查询运行太慢甚至停止,因为超过 17000 行的时间

Query runs too slow and even it stops because exceded of time with 17000 rows

我有 table 1:

historial_id timestamp address value insertion_time
1 2022-01-29 1 84 2022-01-31
2 2022-01-29 2 40 2022-01-31
3 2022-01-30 1 84 2022-01-31
4 2022-01-30 2 41 2022-01-31
5 2022-01-30 2 41 2022-01-31




timestamp value(address 1) value(address 2)
2022-01-29 84 40
2022-01-30 84 41



SELECT timestamp, ( SELECT value 
                   FROM historical 
                   WHERE register_type=11 
                   AND address=2
                   AND timestamp=t1.timestamp
                   GROUP BY value 
                   ) AS CORRIENTE_mA,
                ( SELECT value 
                  FROM historical 
                  WHERE register_type=11 
                  AND address=1 
                  AND timestamp=t1.timestamp 
                  GROUP BY value ) AS Q_M3pH
FROM historical AS t1 
GROUP BY timestamp;


我也试过 distinct 而不是 group by

我认为你需要 dynamic pivot。 请尽量避免像 timestamp.

这样的 MySQL reserved words

下面查询 return 只有地址 1 和 2 按时间戳分组的最大值。


   , max(case when address=1 then value  end) as value_address1
   , max(case when address=2 then value  end) as value_address2

from historical
group by `timestamp`;


  timestamp   value_address1  value_address2
  2022-01-29       84            40
  2022-01-30       84            41
