Office-Scripts:将在一个列中作为例外输入的客户-分析师组合添加到另一个 Table

Office-Scripts: Add Client-Analysts combinations entered as exceptions in a column into another Table

在映射 table 中,我有一个 Exceptions 列,其中一些单元格包含具有多个自定义分隔符的字符串,即

Client1~Analyst1*Client2~Analyst2 etc

映射 Table:

| Project Owner | Assigned Analyst | Exceptions                                         |
| Nico Vera     | Maple            | Globus Ltd~Walter Lobo*Kevin Kline~Sarah Wick*Monsanto Ltd~Ana Wier |
| Vijay Malya   | Sonny            |                                                    |
| Sam Tucker    | Parvati          | Mars~Sonapuri*China Blue~Mona Dsa                  |
| Pessy Shroff  | Roy              | Harbinger Ltd~Jose Silva*Theos Ltd~Jay Mills                  |

来自另一个FC Table如下图:

FC Table:

| ID   | Project Owner | Client        |
| 1001 | Nico Vera     | Globus Ltd    |
| 1002 | Vijay Malya   | Ventura       |
| 1003 | Vijay Malya   | Ventura       |
| 1004 | Sam Tucker    | Mocha Coffee  |
| 1005 | Nico Vera     | Roma Fashions |
| 1012 | Nico Vera     | Monsanto Ltd  |
| 1006 | Pessy Shroff  | Murdoch Ltd   |
| 1007 | Pessy Shroff  | Harbinger Ltd |
| 1008 | Pessy Shroff  | Theos Ltd     |
| 1009 | Sam Tucker    | Mars          |
| 1013 | Sam Tucker    | China Blue    |
| 1010 | Nico Vera     | Kevin Kline   |
| 1014 | Nico Vera     | Galettos      |

每次,我都想将这些独特的项目行拉入另一个名为 Study Report table 的历史记录 table 并且对于这些行中的每个 Project Owner,检查任何异常在 Mappings table 的 Exceptions 列中。 如果给出任何异常,那么对于任何 Client-Analyst 组合,我想添加客户的相应分析师,否则添加映射 table.

Assigned Analysts 中给出的默认分析师


| ID   | Project Owner | Client        | Assigned Analyst |
| 1001 | Nico Vera     | Globus Ltd    | Walter Lobo      |
| 1002 | Vijay Malya   | Ventura       | Sonny            |
| 1003 | Vijay Malya   | Fountain Pens | Sonny            |
| 1004 | Sam Tucker    | Mocha Coffee  | Parvati          |
| 1005 | Nico Vera     | Roma Fashions | Maple            |
| 1012 | Nico Vera     | Monsanto Ltd  | Ana Wier         |
| 1006 | Pessy Shroff  | Murdoch Ltd   | Roy              |
| 1007 | Pessy Shroff  | Harbinger Ltd | Jose Silva       |
| 1008 | Pessy Shroff  | Theos Ltd     | Jay Mills        |
| 1009 | Sam Tucker    | Mars          | Sonapuri         |
| 1013 | Sam Tucker    | China Blue    | Mona Dsa         |
| 1010 | Nico Vera     | Kevin Kline   | Sarah Wick       |
| 1014 | Nico Vera     | Galettos      | Maple            |

有谁知道如何拆分 Exceptions 列并使用 Typescript for Excel 执行此操作?任何帮助将不胜感激。



// pick Opportunity Owner, FC Name, CD Team & Exceptions from Mapping sheet
  let mapObj = MapTable.getRangeBetweenHeaderAndTotal().getValues()
    .reduce((o, [a, b, c, d]) => Object.assign(o, { [a as string]: [b, c, d] }), {});

  let existingIdsObj = StudyTable.getColumnByName("Study Number").getRangeBetweenHeaderAndTotal().getValues().reduce((o, [a]) => Object.assign(o, { [a as string]: true }), {});

  let putValues:string[][] = FCTable.getRangeBetweenHeaderAndTotal().getValues().reduce((ar:string[][], [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l,m]) => {

      if (!existingIdsObj.hasOwnProperty(a as string)) {

      // this is where i need help to define a loop for x

          let x: string = (mapObj[d as string][2].trim().toString() !== '' && e.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(mapObj[d as string][2].toString().toLowerCase().trim().split("~")[0]) !== -1) ? mapObj[d as string][2].trim().split("~")[1].toString() : mapObj[d as string][0].toString();

        let y = h.toString();
        switch (y) {
          case "Active": y = "Open"; break;
          case "Cancelled": y = "Cancelled"; break;
          case "Completed": y = "Complete"; break;
          default: y = "Check"; break;
        ar.push([b, a, d, e, f, g, , , , , , y, , x, , , , c, k, m]);
      return ar;
    }, []);

  // if new studies found, append them to Study Report sheet
  if (putValues.length !== 0) {
    StudyTable.addRows(-1, putValues);


我玩了一个 office 脚本,试图隔离拆分异常的任务,然后测试您在创建最终 table 时可能 运行 的过滤方法。我不是开发人员,但也许能让你更接近。也许这有帮助...

function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
  // simple array of the mapping table used for testing purposes 
  let exceptionsValues = [
    ["Nico Vera", "Maple", "Globus Ltd~Walter Lobo * Kevin Kline~Sarah Wick * Monsanto Ltd~Ana Wier"],
    ["Vijay Malya", "Sonny", ""],
    ["Sam Tucker", "Parvati", "Mars~Sonapuri * China Blue~Mona Dsa"],
    ["Pessy Shroff", "Roy", "Harbinger Ltd~Jose Silva * Theos Ltd~Jay Mills"]
  // augment the original mappings array by creating a new row for each exception (split on the "*") and deleting the row with the concatenated exceptions, index) => {
    if (curRow[2].indexOf("*") > 0) {
      let tempRows = curRow[2].split(" * ");
      for (let row of tempRows) {
        exceptionsValues.push([curRow[0], curRow[1], row])
      delete exceptionsValues[index]

  // next as a proof of concept I filtered on values you are values in the study report
  let filteredExceptions = exceptionsValues.filter(row => row[0] == "Nico Vera" &&  row[2].indexOf("Kevin") >= 0);

  // from here you might make find the indexOf the "~" character and split the string to extract the Assigned Analysts name. At this point you already have a row for each exception so it should be relatively easy to extract

  // the proof of concept would need to be run as you create each row in your study report table.

  // a few console statements to see results