如何使用 Newtonsoft.Json 将复杂的 json 响应反序列化为易于反序列化的结构?

How can I deserialize complex json repsonse into easy-to-deserialize structure using Newtonsoft.Json?

出现这种看起来很奇怪的 json 回复:

                      "name":"Here's the name of the content 0"
                      "name":"Here's the name of the content 1"
                     "name":"Here's the name of the content 0"


               "name":"Here's the name of the content 0"
               "name":"Here's the name of the content 1"
               "name":"Here's the name of the content 0"


class Invoice {
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public InvoiceContent[] Contents { get; set; }

    class InvoiceContent {
        public string Name { get; set; }


var parsed = JObject.Parse(jsonInvoices);

var statusCode = parsed?["status"]?["code"]?.ToString();
var parameters = parsed?["invoices"]?["parameters"]?;

当我试图实现我之前提到的易于反序列化的 json 结构时,真正的问题就出现了。我试过这样的事情:

var testInvoices = parsed?["invoices"]?
    .Select(x => x.First?["invoice"]);

但我无法设法“修复”invoicecontents/invoicecontent 零件。 我的目标是反序列化和存储数据。


     var jsonParsed = JObject.Parse(json);
    var invoices = ((JObject) jsonParsed["invoices"]).Properties()
    .Select(x => (JObject) x.Value["invoice"] ).Where(x => x != null)
    .Select(s => new Invoice
        Id = s.Properties().First(x => x.Name == "id").Value.ToString(),
        Contents = ((JObject)s.Properties().First(x => x.Name == "invoicecontents").Value).Properties()
        .Select(x => (string) x.Value["invoicecontent"]["name"]).ToList()

我也简化了你的 class,我认为用一个字符串保留 classes 数组没有任何意义,我认为它应该只是字符串数组

public class Invoice
    public string Id { get; set; }

    public List<string> Contents { get; set; }


    "Id": "420",
    "Contents": [
      "Here's the name of the content 0",
      "Here's the name of the content 1"
    "Id": "420",
    "Contents": [
      "Here's the name of the content 0"

这不是 JSON。

JavaScript Object Notation 从字面上描述了 Objects。你在这里看到的是一个笑话的妙语,开头是:“一个 SQL JOIN、一个 StringBuilder 和几个 for 循环走进酒吧......”

正如其他人所证明的那样,JObject 非常适合与 JSON 一起工作,而将其定义为 类 是不切实际的。您可以使用 Linq 来浏览它,但 JSON路径表达式 可以简单得多。

示例 1:让我们获取状态码。

var status = parsed.SelectToken(".status.code").Value<string>();

示例 2:我们 'deserialize' 我们的发票。

public string Invoice 
  public string Id { get; set; } 
  public List<string> Content { get; set; }

public List<Invoice> GetInvoices(string badJson)
  var invoices = JObject.Parse(badJson).SelectTokens(".invoices.*.invoice");
  var results = new List<Invoice>();
  foreach (var invoice in invoices)
    results.Add(new Invoice()
      Id = invoice.Value<string>("id"),
      Contents = invoice.SelectTokens(".invoicecontents.*.invoicecontent.name")
      // Note: JToken.Value<T> & .Values<T>() return nullable types
  return results;