包含要安装的软件包的 python 文件是否必须称为 requirements.txt?

Does python file with packages to install must be called requirements.txt?

我有一个快速的问题,因为我有一个奇怪的错误。在我的代码中,我为 python 创建虚拟环境,然后使用 pip install -r <file name> 从文件安装所有包。当我 运行 它在本地时一切正常,当我 运行 它在机器上远程时它失败并显示某些软件包未安装。

我发现,当我用需要的包调用文件时 requirements.txt 在本地和远程一切正常,当我更改文件名时出现问题。


来自 Requirements files topic from python documentation you can find all explanation regarding the use of a file to install items using pip install. You can also check in the User Guide, it mainly need the right file format that can also be found in Requirements File Format.

It’s important to be clear that pip determines package dependencies using install_requires metadata, not by discovering requirements.txt files embedded in projects.


pip install -r my_pacakges.txt