拆卸后 Pytest 断言夹具

Pytest asserting fixture after teardown


def test_thing():
    thing = Thing()  # Simplified, it actually takes many lines to make a thing

    assert thing.exists

    thing.delete()  # Simplified, it also takes a few lines to delete it

    assert thing.deleted

接下来我想做更多的测试都使用这个东西,所以下一步很自然地将这个东西 creation/deletion 移动到一个夹具中

def thing():
    thing = Thing()  # Simplified, it actually takes many lines to make a thing
    yield thing
    thing.delete()  # Simplified, it also takes a few lines to delete it

def test_thing(thing):
    assert thing.exists

def test_thing_again(thing):
    # Do more stuff with thing


但现在我失去了我的assert thing.deleted

我觉得这里有一些选择,但 none 令人满意。

  1. 我可以在 fixture 中断言,但据我所知,在 fixture 中放置断言是不好的做法,因为如果它失败,它将导致 ERROR 而不是 FAIL
  2. 我可以保留我的原始测试并创建夹具,但这会导致 creating/deleting 这个东西有很多重复的代码。
  3. 我无法直接调用夹具,因为我得到了一个 Fixture called directly 异常,所以我可以将事物创建移到夹具和测试都使用的生成器中。不过这感觉很笨拙,如果我的 thing 灯具需要使用另一个灯具会怎样?



def thing_create():
    # Perform all the creation steps
    thing = Thing()

    yield thing

def thing_delete(thing):
    # Perform all the deletion steps

def thing_all(thing_create):
    yield thing_create

def test_thing(thing_all):
    assert thing_all.exists

def test_thing_again(thing_create):
    assert thing_create.deleted

在适当的地方(以减少重复)而不是在你的逻辑只存在一次的地方使用 fixture 如何?

def thing():
    thing = Thing()  # Simplified, it actually takes many lines to make a thing
    yield thing
    thing.delete()  # Simplified, it also takes a few lines to delete it

def test_thing(thing):
    assert thing.exists

def test_thing_does_a_thing(thing):
    expected = "expected"
    assert thing.do_thing() == expected

def test_thing_deletes():
    # just don't use the fixture here
    thing = Thing()
    assert thing.deleted


def gen_thing():

    def cm():
        thing = Thing()  # Simplified, it actually takes many lines to make a thing
            yield thing
            thing.delete()  # Simplified, it also takes a few lines to delete it

    yield cm

def test_thing(gen_thing):
    with gen_thing() as thing:
        assert thing.exists
    assert thing.deleted

def test_thing_again(gen_thing):
    with gen_thing() as thing:
        # Do more stuff with thing
