使用 Go 解析字符串,如命令行参数

Parse strings like command line arguments with Go

如何获取一个字符串并将其当作一系列命令行参数来解析?我希望能够获取一个字符串并使用标志 and/or pflag 对其进行解析。我该怎么做?

package main

import (

    flag "github.com/spf13/pflag"

func main() {
    command := `unimportant -fb "quoted string"`
    var (
        foo bool
        bar string
    flag.BoolVarP(&foo, "foo", "f", false, "foo")
    flag.StringVarP(&bar, "bar", "b", "default", "bar")

    // Parse command
    os.Args = append(os.Args, "-fb", "quoted string")

    fmt.Println("foo", foo)
    fmt.Println("bar", bar)


  1. 一组字母和一个负号:[-a-zA-Z]+
  2. 夹在两个中间的东西": ".*?"

关于 regexp 包的信息:https://pkg.go.dev/regexp

关于 regexp 语法的信息:https://pkg.go.dev/regexp/syntax@go1.17.6

re := regexp.MustCompile(`([-a-zA-Z]+)|(".*?[^\]")|("")`)
command := `unimportant -fb "quoted string"`

allArgs := re.FindAllString(command, -1)

//fmt.Printf("%+v\n", allArgs)

// to remove "
for _, arg := range allArgs {
    if arg[0] == '"' {
        arg = arg[1 : len(arg)-1]


quoted string

最简单的方法是使用包 shellwords to parse your string into an argv of shell words, and then use a command-line parser other than flag or pflag that supports parsing an arbitrary argv (say flags,但有很多可供选择。)

// Parse  your string into an []string as the shell would.

argv, err := shellwords.Parse("./foo --bar=baz")
// argv should be ["./foo", "--bar=baz"]


// define your options, etc. here


extraArgs, err := flags.ParseArgs(&opts, argv)