当通过命令行界面进行 运行 pytest 时,`-svv` 标志是什么意思?

What does the `-svv` flag mean when running pytest via the command line interface?

任何人都可以从命令行解释 -svv 标志 means/does 当 运行 pytest 时的含义吗?如:

pytest -svv

这真让我抓狂,因为我在 pytest's official documentation, its code base 或网络搜索中找不到它。


pytest -s -vv


-s 禁用捕获 stdout/stderr (source)
-vv 启用详细输出 (source)

特别注意,增加的详细程度说明符目前在基础 pytest 中没有影响,高于正常增加的详细程度

Using higher verbosity levels (-vvv, -vvvv, …) is supported, but has no effect in pytest itself at the moment, however some plugins might make use of higher verbosity