PHP 联系表格如果有错误则保留输入字段,否则清除

PHP contact form keep input fields if error, otherwise clear

我希望我的联系表单输入字段在出现错误时保存用户的输入,否则在电子邮件通过时将其清除。现在它可以工作,除非发送电子邮件时字段仍然填写。我可以刷新页面,但它不会显示 'Your email has been sent' 消息。


<form class="contact-form" action="" method="post">
<input type="text" name="name" value="<?php if(isset($_POST["name"])) echo $_POST["name"]; ?>" />

我尝试在处理电子邮件业务的 php 代码中添加一些内容 - 如果消息已发送,unset($_POST["name"]),并且还添加到此表单输入的 php else echo ''; 但这似乎没有用。变量似乎仍已设置。


$错误=假; 如果(isset($_POST['submit'])){

$msg =  $_POST['msg'];

if(mail("","My subject",$msg)){

    $error = "mail does not sent";


" />

假设您的页面是 contact.php

您 php 代码应该是这样的:

// we will keep here error message
$error = '';

// if request is get and isset sent
if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "GET" and isset($_GET["sent"]))
    echo '<p id="output-area">Message has been sent.</p>';
else {
    // if request is post
    if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "POST") {
        // then verify input data
        if (!empty($_POST['msg'])) {
            // if mail was sent, redirect to contact.php?sent
            if (mail("", "My subject", $_POST['msg'])){
                header('Location: contact.php?sent');
            } else
                $error = "Mail does not sent.";
        } else
            $error = 'Please fill in all inputs.';

if ($error != '')
   echo '<p class="error">Error: ' . $error . '</p>';

// here goes your form
echo '<form class="contact-form" action="contact.php" method="post">
    <textarea name="msg">' . (!empty($_POST["msg"]) ? $_POST["msg"] : '') . '</textarea>
    <input type="submit" value="send">