`openssl x509 -hash` 计算什么的哈希值?

What does `openssl x509 -hash` calculate the hash of?

在下面的命令中,openssl x509 -in example.crt -hash -noout输出8927dc31

openssl req -out example.crt -keyout example.key -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -x509 -subj '/C=US/CN=example.com' -days 3650
openssl x509 -in example.crt -hash -noout  # 8927dc31

openssl-x509(1) 只是说它是主题名称的“散列”。

           Outputs the "hash" of the certificate subject name. This is used in OpenSSL to form an index to allow certificates in a
           directory to be looked up by subject name.

           Outputs the "hash" of the certificate issuer name.

           Synonym for "-subject_hash" for backward compatibility reasons.

ASN.1 编码主题值(-issuer_hash 的发行者值)的 sha1 散列的前 4 个字节 (8 hex-letters)。


echo '
  310b30 09060355
04060c02 75733114
30120603 5504030c
0b657861 6d706c65
' | xxd -r -p | sha1sum
# => 31dc2789c1e1182fbfbb64ee0a0c9a6e11276f97  -

前 4 个字节是 31dc2789。如果运行openssl的CPU是little-endian(包括x86_64), openssl 反转字节 [1] (31 dc 27 8989 27 dc 31) 然后打印 8927dc31

ASN.1 编码的主题值 310b30...wireshark example.crt 找到。

如果主题为空(-subj '/'),哈希为空数据的sha1。

openssl req -out example.crt -keyout example.key -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -x509 -subj '/' -days 3650
openssl x509 -in example.crt -hash -noout  # eea339da
sha1sum </dev/null
# => da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709  -
# da 39 a3 ee ... -> flip bytes: ee a3 39 da: eea339da

[1]:这对我来说看起来很不自然。我认为 this 应该 ntohl()ed。