"structure with flexible array member shall not be a member of a structure"的理由是什么?

What is the rationale for "structure with flexible array member shall not be a member of a structure"?

C11, 结构和联合说明符,约束,3(添加了强调):

A structure or union shall not contain a member with incomplete or function type (hence, a structure shall not contain an instance of itself, but may contain a pointer to an instance of itself), except that the last member of a structure with more than one named member may have incomplete array type; such a structure (and any union containing, possibly recursively, a member that is such a structure) shall not be a member of a structure or an element of an array.

C 的基本原理,修订版 5.10,2003 年 4 月(强调已添加):

Similarly, structures containing flexible arrays can’t occur in other structures or in arrays.

因此,C 的基本原理没有提供基本原理。原理是什么?


struct s1 {
    int a;
    int b;
    int c[];
struct s1 *x = malloc(sizeof(struct s1) + 5 * sizeof(int));

让我们假设典型的结构填充和 sizeof(int)==4。这将使 sizeof(struct s1)==8.


struct s2 {
    int a;
    struct s1 b;
    int c;

struct s2b 成员将从偏移量 4 开始。但是 c 成员呢?鉴于 sizeof(struct s1)==8,这将使成员 c 具有偏移量 12。但是 b 成员无法为其包含 [=17] 预留任何 space =] 成员.

因为给定结构成员的偏移量是在编译时设置的,所以无法为 struct s1 内部的灵活数组成员 c 分配 space。


struct s2 {
    int a;
    int b;
    struct s1 c;

那么它 可以 工作,但是这意味着 struct s2 也遵循与具有灵活数组成员的结构相同的规则,从而导致级联效应.这将使确定哪些结构受此规则约束变得更加困难。
