Infinite recursive call minimax algorithm
我最近实现了 4X4 井字游戏 的代码,该游戏使用极小极大算法。
但是,我的 minimax 函数正在递归地调用自己无限否。的次数。
初始棋盘 (4X4) tic tac toe ->
board = np.array([['_','_','_', '_'],['_','_','_', '_'],['_','_','_', '_'],['_','_','_', '_']])
电脑转码 ->
import math
from utility import *
def minimax(board, spotsLeft, maximizing):
bestIdx = (0,0)
p1 = 'X'
p2 = 'O'
res, stat = checkGameOver(board, spotsLeft)
if res==True:
if stat == 'X': return 17-spotsLeft, bestIdx
elif stat == 'O': return -17+spotsLeft, bestIdx
else: return 0, bestIdx
if maximizing:
# return max score
bestMove = -math.inf
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
if board[i][j] == '_':
board[i][j] = p1
score, idx = minimax(board, spotsLeft-1, False)
print(score, idx)
board[i][j] = '_'
if bestMove<score:
bestMove = score
bestIdx = (i,j)
return bestMove, bestIdx
# return min score
bestMove = math.inf
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
if board[i][j] == '_':
board[i][j] = p2
score, idx = minimax(board, spotsLeft-1, True)
print(score, idx)
board[i][j] = '_'
if bestMove>score:
bestMove = score
bestIdx = (i,j)
return bestMove, bestIdx
def ai(board):
spotsLeft = 16
p1 = 'X' # Computer
p2 = 'O' # Player
turn = p1
while True:
res, stat = checkGameOver(board, spotsLeft)
if res==False:
if turn == p1:
# AI
boardCopy = board[:]
score, idx = minimax(boardCopy, spotsLeft, True)
board[idx[0]][idx[1]] = turn
turn = p2
# Human
inp = int(input(f"Your turn: "))
i, j = spotToIdx(inp)
if board[i][j]=='_':
board[i][j] = turn
turn = p1
else: return stat
returns“X”(如果玩家 X 获胜),returns“O”(如果玩家 O 获胜)& returns“T”(如果游戏平局)
checkGameOver 函数 ->
def checkWin(board):
# Check Row
for i in board:
if len(set(i)) == 1 and i[0]!='_':
return i[0]
# Check Column
for i in range(4):
if (board[0][i] == board[1][i] == board[2][i] == board[3][i]) and board[0][i]!='_':
return board[0][i]
# Check Diagonals
if (board[0][0]==board[1][1]==board[2][2]==board[3][3]) and board[0][0]!='_':
return board[0][0]
if (board[0][3]==board[1][2]==board[2][1]==board[3][0]) and board[0][3]!='_':
return board[0][3]
# No One Won Yet
return -1
def checkGameOver(board, spotsLeft):
# t -> Game Tied
# x -> Player X won
# o -> Player O won
# if tied - all spots filled
if spotsLeft == 0:
return True, 'T'
# if any player won the game
result = checkWin(board)
if result!=-1:
return True, result
return False, -1
让我们首先简化并查看 2x2 的情况。在第一轮中,您从 ai
函数中调用 minimax
,该函数将在第一层调用自身 4 次。在下一级,这些调用中的每一个也会调用 minimax
- 0 级(
函数):1 次调用 minimax
- 1 级:4 次调用
- 级别 2:4x3 次调用(上述 4 次调用中的每一次调用 3 次新调用)
- 3 级:4x3x2 调用
- 4 级:4x3x2x1 调用
现在使用 n-factorial 表示法 n!,我们可以计算调用总数为:
4!/4! + 4!/(4-1)! + 4!/(4-2)! + 4!/(4-3)! + 4!/(4-4!)
这是 n!/(n-k)! 对于 k 在 0 之间的总和 和 n(包括在内),n 开始您电路板上的单元数。这里的结果是 65 次调用 minimax
用于 2x2 板。
def factorial(n):
if n > 1: return n*factorial(n-1)
else: return 1
def tictactoeComplexity(gridsize):
return sum([factorial(gridsize)/factorial(gridsize-k) for k in range(gridsize+1)])
print(tictactoeComplexity(2*2)) # result is 65
现在让我们检查 3*3 板:
print(tictactoeComplexity(3*3)) # result is 986,410
从 2x2 到 3x3,我们从大约 100 增加到大约 1,000,000。你可以猜出 4x4 板的结果:
print(tictactoeComplexity(4*4)) # result is 56,874,039,553,217
正如珍妮所解释的那样,搜索树太大了。即使您会改进数据结构和 move-mechanics 以提高它们的效率并减少内存占用,要在可接受的时间内完成此搜索仍然是一个挑战。
停在某个搜索深度(例如 4),然后对电路板执行静态评估。这种评估将是一种启发式的。例如,它将为 3-in-a-row 提供高价值,并有可用的免费单元格来完成它以获胜。它还会给未被对手阻挡的线上的一对带来重要价值,...等等
使用 alpha-beta 修剪以避免在搜索树的早期阶段搜索永远不会导致更好选择的分支。
使用杀手招式:在某个对手的招式之后发现好的招式,也可能被证明是对另一个对手招式的回应。并尝试第一个可能与 alpha-beta 修剪结合使用效果很好。
但老实说,4x4 井字游戏很无聊:平局很容易,而且需要很差的棋手才能把比赛拱手相让。例如,两个玩家都不能做出糟糕的 first 着法。无论他们在第一步中如何下棋,如果下法正确,仍将是平局。
所以...我建议只使用启发式评估函数,根本不进行搜索。或者,执行浅层 minimax,并在该固定深度使用这种启发式评估。但即使仅用评估函数替换 minimax 算法也能很好地工作。
if turn == p1:
# AI -- a heuristic based approach
bestScore = -math.inf
bestMove = None
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
if board[i][j] == '_':
board[i][j] = turn
score = evaluate(board, turn)
if score > bestScore:
bestScore = score
bestMove = (i, j)
board[i][j] = '_'
i, j = bestMove
board[i][j] = turn
turn = p2
这会调用 evaluate
# winning lines
lines = [
[(i, j) for i in range(4)] for j in range(4)
] + [
[(j, i) for i in range(4)] for j in range(4)
] + [
[(i, i) for i in range(4)],
[(3-i, i) for i in range(4)]
def evaluate(board, player):
score = 0
for line in lines:
discs = [board[i][j] for i, j in line]
# The more discs in one line the better
value = [1000, 10, 6, 1, 0][sum(ch == "_" for ch in discs)]
if "X" in discs:
if not "O" in discs: # X could still win in this line
score += value
elif "O" in discs: # O could still win in this line
score -= value
# Change the sign depending on which player has just played
return score if player == "X" else -score
就是这样!您可以选择使用 evaluate
函数来简化 checkWin
def checkWin(board):
score = evaluate(board, "X")
if abs(score) > 500: # Take into account there could be some reduction
return "X" if score > 0 else "O"
# No One Won Yet
return -1
通过此实现,您不再需要 minimax
函数,但您可能希望保留它并限制搜索深度。当达到该深度时,调用 evaluate
我最近实现了 4X4 井字游戏 的代码,该游戏使用极小极大算法。 但是,我的 minimax 函数正在递归地调用自己无限否。的次数。
初始棋盘 (4X4) tic tac toe ->
board = np.array([['_','_','_', '_'],['_','_','_', '_'],['_','_','_', '_'],['_','_','_', '_']])
电脑转码 ->
import math
from utility import *
def minimax(board, spotsLeft, maximizing):
bestIdx = (0,0)
p1 = 'X'
p2 = 'O'
res, stat = checkGameOver(board, spotsLeft)
if res==True:
if stat == 'X': return 17-spotsLeft, bestIdx
elif stat == 'O': return -17+spotsLeft, bestIdx
else: return 0, bestIdx
if maximizing:
# return max score
bestMove = -math.inf
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
if board[i][j] == '_':
board[i][j] = p1
score, idx = minimax(board, spotsLeft-1, False)
print(score, idx)
board[i][j] = '_'
if bestMove<score:
bestMove = score
bestIdx = (i,j)
return bestMove, bestIdx
# return min score
bestMove = math.inf
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
if board[i][j] == '_':
board[i][j] = p2
score, idx = minimax(board, spotsLeft-1, True)
print(score, idx)
board[i][j] = '_'
if bestMove>score:
bestMove = score
bestIdx = (i,j)
return bestMove, bestIdx
def ai(board):
spotsLeft = 16
p1 = 'X' # Computer
p2 = 'O' # Player
turn = p1
while True:
res, stat = checkGameOver(board, spotsLeft)
if res==False:
if turn == p1:
# AI
boardCopy = board[:]
score, idx = minimax(boardCopy, spotsLeft, True)
board[idx[0]][idx[1]] = turn
turn = p2
# Human
inp = int(input(f"Your turn: "))
i, j = spotToIdx(inp)
if board[i][j]=='_':
board[i][j] = turn
turn = p1
else: return stat
returns“X”(如果玩家 X 获胜),returns“O”(如果玩家 O 获胜)& returns“T”(如果游戏平局)
checkGameOver 函数 ->
def checkWin(board):
# Check Row
for i in board:
if len(set(i)) == 1 and i[0]!='_':
return i[0]
# Check Column
for i in range(4):
if (board[0][i] == board[1][i] == board[2][i] == board[3][i]) and board[0][i]!='_':
return board[0][i]
# Check Diagonals
if (board[0][0]==board[1][1]==board[2][2]==board[3][3]) and board[0][0]!='_':
return board[0][0]
if (board[0][3]==board[1][2]==board[2][1]==board[3][0]) and board[0][3]!='_':
return board[0][3]
# No One Won Yet
return -1
def checkGameOver(board, spotsLeft):
# t -> Game Tied
# x -> Player X won
# o -> Player O won
# if tied - all spots filled
if spotsLeft == 0:
return True, 'T'
# if any player won the game
result = checkWin(board)
if result!=-1:
return True, result
return False, -1
让我们首先简化并查看 2x2 的情况。在第一轮中,您从 ai
函数中调用 minimax
,该函数将在第一层调用自身 4 次。在下一级,这些调用中的每一个也会调用 minimax
- 0 级(
函数):1 次调用minimax
- 1 级:4 次调用
- 级别 2:4x3 次调用(上述 4 次调用中的每一次调用 3 次新调用)
- 3 级:4x3x2 调用
- 4 级:4x3x2x1 调用
现在使用 n-factorial 表示法 n!,我们可以计算调用总数为:
4!/4! + 4!/(4-1)! + 4!/(4-2)! + 4!/(4-3)! + 4!/(4-4!)
这是 n!/(n-k)! 对于 k 在 0 之间的总和 和 n(包括在内),n 开始您电路板上的单元数。这里的结果是 65 次调用 minimax
用于 2x2 板。
def factorial(n):
if n > 1: return n*factorial(n-1)
else: return 1
def tictactoeComplexity(gridsize):
return sum([factorial(gridsize)/factorial(gridsize-k) for k in range(gridsize+1)])
print(tictactoeComplexity(2*2)) # result is 65
现在让我们检查 3*3 板:
print(tictactoeComplexity(3*3)) # result is 986,410
从 2x2 到 3x3,我们从大约 100 增加到大约 1,000,000。你可以猜出 4x4 板的结果:
print(tictactoeComplexity(4*4)) # result is 56,874,039,553,217
正如珍妮所解释的那样,搜索树太大了。即使您会改进数据结构和 move-mechanics 以提高它们的效率并减少内存占用,要在可接受的时间内完成此搜索仍然是一个挑战。
停在某个搜索深度(例如 4),然后对电路板执行静态评估。这种评估将是一种启发式的。例如,它将为 3-in-a-row 提供高价值,并有可用的免费单元格来完成它以获胜。它还会给未被对手阻挡的线上的一对带来重要价值,...等等
使用 alpha-beta 修剪以避免在搜索树的早期阶段搜索永远不会导致更好选择的分支。
使用杀手招式:在某个对手的招式之后发现好的招式,也可能被证明是对另一个对手招式的回应。并尝试第一个可能与 alpha-beta 修剪结合使用效果很好。
但老实说,4x4 井字游戏很无聊:平局很容易,而且需要很差的棋手才能把比赛拱手相让。例如,两个玩家都不能做出糟糕的 first 着法。无论他们在第一步中如何下棋,如果下法正确,仍将是平局。
所以...我建议只使用启发式评估函数,根本不进行搜索。或者,执行浅层 minimax,并在该固定深度使用这种启发式评估。但即使仅用评估函数替换 minimax 算法也能很好地工作。
if turn == p1: # AI -- a heuristic based approach bestScore = -math.inf bestMove = None for i in range(4): for j in range(4): if board[i][j] == '_': board[i][j] = turn score = evaluate(board, turn) if score > bestScore: bestScore = score bestMove = (i, j) board[i][j] = '_' i, j = bestMove board[i][j] = turn turn = p2 spotsLeft-=1
的定义:# winning lines lines = [ [(i, j) for i in range(4)] for j in range(4) ] + [ [(j, i) for i in range(4)] for j in range(4) ] + [ [(i, i) for i in range(4)], [(3-i, i) for i in range(4)] ] def evaluate(board, player): score = 0 for line in lines: discs = [board[i][j] for i, j in line] # The more discs in one line the better value = [1000, 10, 6, 1, 0][sum(ch == "_" for ch in discs)] if "X" in discs: if not "O" in discs: # X could still win in this line score += value elif "O" in discs: # O could still win in this line score -= value # Change the sign depending on which player has just played return score if player == "X" else -score
就是这样!您可以选择使用 evaluate
函数来简化 checkWin
def checkWin(board):
score = evaluate(board, "X")
if abs(score) > 500: # Take into account there could be some reduction
return "X" if score > 0 else "O"
# No One Won Yet
return -1
通过此实现,您不再需要 minimax
函数,但您可能希望保留它并限制搜索深度。当达到该深度时,调用 evaluate