NSTextAttachment.bounds 不适用于 iOS 15

NSTextAttachment.bounds does not work on iOS 15

为了向属性字符串添加图像附件,我使用了以下在 iOS 15 之前运行良好的代码:

let textAttachment = NSTextAttachment()
textAttachment.image = UIImage(named:"imageName")!
textAttachment.bounds = CGSize(origin: CGPoint(x: x, y: y), size: CGSize(width: width, height: height))
let textAttachmentString = NSMutableAttributedString(attachment: textAttachment)

let attributedText = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "base text", attributes: [:])



不久前,我用一个不优雅的解决方法解决了这个问题,我写了一个函数,将一个空文本附件插入到内容中,以在文本和图标之间创建一个水平 space:

func addIconToText(_ toText: NSAttributedString, icon: UIImage, iconOrigin: CGPoint, iconSize: CGSize, atEnd: Bool)->NSAttributedString{
    // Inserts a textAttachment containing the given icon into the attributed string (at the beginning or at the end of the text depending on the value of atEnd)
    // Constructs an empty text attachment to separate the icon from the text instead of using NSTextAttachment.bounds.origin.x because it does not work with iOS 15
    let iconTextAttachment = NSTextAttachment(data: icon.withRenderingMode(.alwaysOriginal).pngData(), ofType: "public.png")
    iconTextAttachment.bounds = CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: 0, y: iconOrigin.y), size: iconSize)
    let iconString = NSMutableAttributedString(attachment:  iconTextAttachment)
    let emptyIconSize = CGSize(width: abs(iconOrigin.x), height: abs(iconOrigin.y))
    let emptyIconTextAttachment = NSTextAttachment(image: UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size: emptyIconSize).image(actions: {
        con in
        con.fill(CGRect(origin: .zero, size: emptyIconSize))
    emptyIconTextAttachment.bounds = CGRect(origin: .zero, size: emptyIconSize)
    let emptyIconString = NSMutableAttributedString(attachment: emptyIconTextAttachment)
    var finalString: NSMutableAttributedString!
    if atEnd{
        finalString = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: toText)
        finalString = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: iconString)
    return finalString