为什么 scanf 跳过文件重定向的大部分输入? [C]
why is scanf skipping large part of input from file redirect? [C]
我这里有一个名为 simplechain.c 的程序,它基本上有一个程序 fork 一次,child 做同样的事情并且持续运行一定次数,然后每个进程现在(在由于 wait()
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <errno.h>
// functiont that returns 0 (fail) if a string has anything but numbers 1 (success) if it all numbers
int isnumber(char * input){
int length = strlen (input);
int i;
for (i = 0 ; i < length; i++)
if (!isdigit(input[i]))
return 0;
return 1;
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
pid_t childpid = 0;
int p;
int nprocs = 4;
int nchars = 80;
int sleep_time = 3;
int niters = 1;
int opt;
// argument handler
while((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "hp:c:s:i:")) != -1)
case 'h': // help info
case 'p': // set the amount of processes
nprocs = atoi(optarg); // store the specified number of processes
case 'c': // set the amount of characters to be read
nchars = atoi(optarg); // store the specified number of character per interation to be read
case 's': // set the amount of sleep time per interation
sleep_time = atoi(optarg); // store the specified nubmer of sleep time in seconds per interation
case 'i': // set the amount of iterationc per print
niters = atoi(optarg); // store the specified number of interations to run on the print statments
// first start the for loop and fork if the current process number 'p' is less than the amount of processes
for (p = 1; p < nprocs; p++)
if ( (childpid = fork()) )
//sleep for 10 seconds
// now print the process info 'niters' times
int i;
for(i = 0; i < niters; i++){
wait(); // wait befor the prints
fprintf(stderr, "i:%d ",p); // current process Number (not to be confused with ID)
fprintf(stderr, " parent ID:%d ", (long)getppid()); // parent procsess ID
fprintf(stderr, " child ID:%d ", (long)childpid); // child process ID
// now prompt the user for a certain amount (nchars) of characaters
fprintf(stderr, "\nPlease enter %d characters pressing enter after each one: ", nchars);
// read the input of each char and store in in the myBuf array
char myBuf[nchars + 1];
int c;
for(c = 0; c < nchars; c++){
scanf(" %c", &myBuf[c]);
myBuf[nchars] = '[=10=]'; // add the null terminator so that it becomes a valid string
sleep(sleep_time); // sleep for a certain amount of (sleep_time) seconds
// finally print the current process ID followed by the string 'myBuf'
fprintf(stderr, "process ID:%d; '%s' \n", (long)getpid(), myBuf);
return 0;
兴趣点是使用 scanf() 的循环。它非常简单,因为它只读取一定数量的字符并将这些字符存储到 myBug 数组中。你显然可以只做标准输入但我是(顺便说一句工作正常)但我想使用一个文件所以我做了一个文件重定向给定的休闲文件
但是当我 运行 休闲命令时:$ ./myapp -p 5 -c 30 -s 1 -i 2 < dc.txt
此命令应使程序产生 4 个分支,每个分支循环其打印语句 2 并要求每个循环读取 30 个字符
i:5 parent ID:29725 child ID:0
Please enter 30 characters pressing enter after each one: process ID:29726; 'In_Congress,_July_4,_1776_The_'
i:5 parent ID:29725 child ID:0
Please enter 30 characters pressing enter after each one: process ID:29726; 'unanimous_Declaration_of_da_th'
i:4 parent ID:29724 child ID:29726
Please enter 30 characters pressing enter after each one: process ID:29725; 't_of_and_superior_to_the_Civil'
i:4 parent ID:29724 child ID:29726
Please enter 30 characters pressing enter after each one: process ID:29725; '_power._He_has_combined_with_o'
i:3 parent ID:29723 child ID:29725
Please enter 30 characters pressing enter after each one: process ID:29724; 'Congress,_Assembled,_appealing'
i:3 parent ID:29723 child ID:29725
Please enter 30 characters pressing enter after each one: process ID:29724; '_to_the_Supreme_Judge_of_the_w'
i:2 parent ID:29722 child ID:29724
Please enter 30 characters pressing enter after each one: process ID:29723; ''
i:2 parent ID:29722 child ID:29724
Please enter 30 characters pressing enter after each one: process ID:29723; ''
i:1 parent ID:24839 child ID:29723
Please enter 30 characters pressing enter after each one: process ID:29722; ''
i:1 parent ID:24839 child ID:29723
Please enter 30 characters pressing enter after each one: process ID:29722; ''
但是,如果您查看正在阅读的实际单词,您会注意到进程之间的文本有一个跳过。最后,最后两个进程根本没有得到任何字符。我的猜测是进程 5 读取了两次然后进程 4 稍后在文本中跳过以再次读取两次,进程 3 做同样的事情并且当它到达进程 2 和 1 时它已经到达文件末尾。我不确定它为什么会跳过。
程序共享同一个文件流。从一个文件中读取,第一个读取文件的进程得到一个数据块(可能是 512 或 4096 字节),其他进程看不到,但其他进程的文件读取位置移动了。冲洗并重复。如果您使用文件描述符 I/O,您将不会获得相同的缓冲效果。如果您在进行分叉之前使用文件流读取一些数据,您会得到另一组结果(所有结果都显示相同的数据)。如果输入不是文件而是管道或其他东西,你会再次得到其他结果。
setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
这是对您的代码的改编,其中有一个额外的选项 -u
可以使标准输入无缓冲,另一个选项 -P
可以抑制提示。请注意,我必须将函数 isnumber()
重命名为 is_number()
以避免与 Mac 上的 <ctype.h>
header 发生名称冲突——名称 isnumber()
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
static int is_number(char *input)
int length = strlen(input);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (!isdigit(input[i]))
return 0;
return 1;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
pid_t childpid = 0;
int p;
int nprocs = 4;
int nchars = 80;
int sleep_time = 3;
int niters = 1;
int buffered = 1;
int prompt = 1;
int opt;
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "Puhp:c:s:i:")) != -1)
switch (opt)
case 'h':
case 'p':
if (!is_number(optarg))
nprocs = atoi(optarg);
case 'c':
if (!is_number(optarg))
nchars = atoi(optarg);
case 's':
if (!is_number(optarg))
sleep_time = atoi(optarg);
case 'i':
if (!is_number(optarg))
niters = atoi(optarg);
case 'u':
buffered = 0;
case 'P':
prompt = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected option '%c'\n", opt);
if (buffered)
fprintf(stderr, "Buffered input\n");
setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IOFBF, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "Unbuffered input\n");
setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
for (p = 1; p < nprocs; p++)
if ((childpid = fork()))
for (int i = 0; i < niters; i++)
int status;
int corpse;
while ((corpse = wait(&status)) > 0)
fprintf(stderr, "%d: child %d exited with status 0x%.4X\n",
getpid(), corpse, status);
fprintf(stderr, "i:%d ", p);
fprintf(stderr, " parent ID:%d ", getppid());
fprintf(stderr, " child ID:%d\n", childpid);
if (prompt)
fprintf(stderr, "Please enter %d characters pressing enter after each one: ",
char myBuf[nchars + 1];
int c;
for (c = 0; c < nchars; c++)
scanf(" %c", &myBuf[c]);
myBuf[nchars] = '[=11=]';
fprintf(stderr, "process ID: %d; '%s'\n", getpid(), myBuf);
return 0;
当 运行 在 Mac 上时,无论标准输入是否缓冲,我都会得到所需的行为。当 运行 在 RHEL 7.4 Linux 上时,buffered/unbuffered I/O 很重要。源代码在 rd31.c
中,编译后创建 rd31
$ make rd31
gcc -std=c11 -O3 -g -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wshadow -pedantic-errors rd31.c -o rd31
$ rd31 -P -u -p 5 -c 30 -s 1 -i 2 < dec-independence
Unbuffered input
i:5 parent ID:4462 child ID:0
process ID: 4463; 'In_Congress,_July_4,_1776_The_'
i:5 parent ID:4462 child ID:0
process ID: 4463; 'unanimous_Declaration_of_da_th'
4462: child 4463 exited with status 0x0000
i:4 parent ID:4460 child ID:4463
process ID: 4462; 'irteen_united_States_of_Americ'
i:4 parent ID:4460 child ID:4463
process ID: 4462; 'a,_When_in_the_Course_of_human'
4460: child 4462 exited with status 0x0000
i:3 parent ID:4459 child ID:4462
process ID: 4460; '_events,_it_becomes_necessary_'
i:3 parent ID:4459 child ID:4462
process ID: 4460; 'for_one_people_to_dissolve_the'
4459: child 4460 exited with status 0x0000
i:2 parent ID:4457 child ID:4460
process ID: 4459; '_political_bands_which_have_co'
i:2 parent ID:4457 child ID:4460
process ID: 4459; 'nnected_them_with_another,_and'
4457: child 4459 exited with status 0x0000
i:1 parent ID:9082 child ID:4459
process ID: 4457; '_to_assume_among_the_powers_of'
i:1 parent ID:9082 child ID:4459
process ID: 4457; '_the_earth,_the_separate_and_e'
$ rd31 -P -p 5 -c 30 -s 1 -i 2 < dec-independence
Buffered input
i:5 parent ID:4491 child ID:0
process ID: 4492; 'In_Congress,_July_4,_1776_The_'
i:5 parent ID:4491 child ID:0
process ID: 4492; 'unanimous_Declaration_of_da_th'
4491: child 4492 exited with status 0x0000
i:4 parent ID:4490 child ID:4492
process ID: 4491; 't_of_and_superior_to_the_Civil'
i:4 parent ID:4490 child ID:4492
process ID: 4491; '_power._He_has_combined_with_o'
4490: child 4491 exited with status 0x0000
i:3 parent ID:4489 child ID:4491
process ID: 4490; 'Congress,_Assembled,_appealing'
i:3 parent ID:4489 child ID:4491
process ID: 4490; '_to_the_Supreme_Judge_of_the_w'
4489: child 4490 exited with status 0x0000
i:2 parent ID:4487 child ID:4490
process ID: 4489; ''
i:2 parent ID:4487 child ID:4490
process ID: 4489; ''
4487: child 4489 exited with status 0x0000
i:1 parent ID:9082 child ID:4489
process ID: 4487; ''
i:1 parent ID:9082 child ID:4489
我这里有一个名为 simplechain.c 的程序,它基本上有一个程序 fork 一次,child 做同样的事情并且持续运行一定次数,然后每个进程现在(在由于 wait()
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <errno.h>
// functiont that returns 0 (fail) if a string has anything but numbers 1 (success) if it all numbers
int isnumber(char * input){
int length = strlen (input);
int i;
for (i = 0 ; i < length; i++)
if (!isdigit(input[i]))
return 0;
return 1;
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
pid_t childpid = 0;
int p;
int nprocs = 4;
int nchars = 80;
int sleep_time = 3;
int niters = 1;
int opt;
// argument handler
while((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "hp:c:s:i:")) != -1)
case 'h': // help info
case 'p': // set the amount of processes
nprocs = atoi(optarg); // store the specified number of processes
case 'c': // set the amount of characters to be read
nchars = atoi(optarg); // store the specified number of character per interation to be read
case 's': // set the amount of sleep time per interation
sleep_time = atoi(optarg); // store the specified nubmer of sleep time in seconds per interation
case 'i': // set the amount of iterationc per print
niters = atoi(optarg); // store the specified number of interations to run on the print statments
// first start the for loop and fork if the current process number 'p' is less than the amount of processes
for (p = 1; p < nprocs; p++)
if ( (childpid = fork()) )
//sleep for 10 seconds
// now print the process info 'niters' times
int i;
for(i = 0; i < niters; i++){
wait(); // wait befor the prints
fprintf(stderr, "i:%d ",p); // current process Number (not to be confused with ID)
fprintf(stderr, " parent ID:%d ", (long)getppid()); // parent procsess ID
fprintf(stderr, " child ID:%d ", (long)childpid); // child process ID
// now prompt the user for a certain amount (nchars) of characaters
fprintf(stderr, "\nPlease enter %d characters pressing enter after each one: ", nchars);
// read the input of each char and store in in the myBuf array
char myBuf[nchars + 1];
int c;
for(c = 0; c < nchars; c++){
scanf(" %c", &myBuf[c]);
myBuf[nchars] = '[=10=]'; // add the null terminator so that it becomes a valid string
sleep(sleep_time); // sleep for a certain amount of (sleep_time) seconds
// finally print the current process ID followed by the string 'myBuf'
fprintf(stderr, "process ID:%d; '%s' \n", (long)getpid(), myBuf);
return 0;
兴趣点是使用 scanf() 的循环。它非常简单,因为它只读取一定数量的字符并将这些字符存储到 myBug 数组中。你显然可以只做标准输入但我是(顺便说一句工作正常)但我想使用一个文件所以我做了一个文件重定向给定的休闲文件
但是当我 运行 休闲命令时:$ ./myapp -p 5 -c 30 -s 1 -i 2 < dc.txt 此命令应使程序产生 4 个分支,每个分支循环其打印语句 2 并要求每个循环读取 30 个字符 我得到了休闲输出:
i:5 parent ID:29725 child ID:0
Please enter 30 characters pressing enter after each one: process ID:29726; 'In_Congress,_July_4,_1776_The_'
i:5 parent ID:29725 child ID:0
Please enter 30 characters pressing enter after each one: process ID:29726; 'unanimous_Declaration_of_da_th'
i:4 parent ID:29724 child ID:29726
Please enter 30 characters pressing enter after each one: process ID:29725; 't_of_and_superior_to_the_Civil'
i:4 parent ID:29724 child ID:29726
Please enter 30 characters pressing enter after each one: process ID:29725; '_power._He_has_combined_with_o'
i:3 parent ID:29723 child ID:29725
Please enter 30 characters pressing enter after each one: process ID:29724; 'Congress,_Assembled,_appealing'
i:3 parent ID:29723 child ID:29725
Please enter 30 characters pressing enter after each one: process ID:29724; '_to_the_Supreme_Judge_of_the_w'
i:2 parent ID:29722 child ID:29724
Please enter 30 characters pressing enter after each one: process ID:29723; ''
i:2 parent ID:29722 child ID:29724
Please enter 30 characters pressing enter after each one: process ID:29723; ''
i:1 parent ID:24839 child ID:29723
Please enter 30 characters pressing enter after each one: process ID:29722; ''
i:1 parent ID:24839 child ID:29723
Please enter 30 characters pressing enter after each one: process ID:29722; ''
我知道文件肯定有足够的字符。它适用于前几个过程。 但是,如果您查看正在阅读的实际单词,您会注意到进程之间的文本有一个跳过。最后,最后两个进程根本没有得到任何字符。我的猜测是进程 5 读取了两次然后进程 4 稍后在文本中跳过以再次读取两次,进程 3 做同样的事情并且当它到达进程 2 和 1 时它已经到达文件末尾。我不确定它为什么会跳过。
程序共享同一个文件流。从一个文件中读取,第一个读取文件的进程得到一个数据块(可能是 512 或 4096 字节),其他进程看不到,但其他进程的文件读取位置移动了。冲洗并重复。如果您使用文件描述符 I/O,您将不会获得相同的缓冲效果。如果您在进行分叉之前使用文件流读取一些数据,您会得到另一组结果(所有结果都显示相同的数据)。如果输入不是文件而是管道或其他东西,你会再次得到其他结果。
setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
这是对您的代码的改编,其中有一个额外的选项 -u
可以使标准输入无缓冲,另一个选项 -P
可以抑制提示。请注意,我必须将函数 isnumber()
重命名为 is_number()
以避免与 Mac 上的 <ctype.h>
header 发生名称冲突——名称 isnumber()
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
static int is_number(char *input)
int length = strlen(input);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (!isdigit(input[i]))
return 0;
return 1;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
pid_t childpid = 0;
int p;
int nprocs = 4;
int nchars = 80;
int sleep_time = 3;
int niters = 1;
int buffered = 1;
int prompt = 1;
int opt;
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "Puhp:c:s:i:")) != -1)
switch (opt)
case 'h':
case 'p':
if (!is_number(optarg))
nprocs = atoi(optarg);
case 'c':
if (!is_number(optarg))
nchars = atoi(optarg);
case 's':
if (!is_number(optarg))
sleep_time = atoi(optarg);
case 'i':
if (!is_number(optarg))
niters = atoi(optarg);
case 'u':
buffered = 0;
case 'P':
prompt = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected option '%c'\n", opt);
if (buffered)
fprintf(stderr, "Buffered input\n");
setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IOFBF, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "Unbuffered input\n");
setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
for (p = 1; p < nprocs; p++)
if ((childpid = fork()))
for (int i = 0; i < niters; i++)
int status;
int corpse;
while ((corpse = wait(&status)) > 0)
fprintf(stderr, "%d: child %d exited with status 0x%.4X\n",
getpid(), corpse, status);
fprintf(stderr, "i:%d ", p);
fprintf(stderr, " parent ID:%d ", getppid());
fprintf(stderr, " child ID:%d\n", childpid);
if (prompt)
fprintf(stderr, "Please enter %d characters pressing enter after each one: ",
char myBuf[nchars + 1];
int c;
for (c = 0; c < nchars; c++)
scanf(" %c", &myBuf[c]);
myBuf[nchars] = '[=11=]';
fprintf(stderr, "process ID: %d; '%s'\n", getpid(), myBuf);
return 0;
当 运行 在 Mac 上时,无论标准输入是否缓冲,我都会得到所需的行为。当 运行 在 RHEL 7.4 Linux 上时,buffered/unbuffered I/O 很重要。源代码在 rd31.c
中,编译后创建 rd31
$ make rd31
gcc -std=c11 -O3 -g -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wshadow -pedantic-errors rd31.c -o rd31
$ rd31 -P -u -p 5 -c 30 -s 1 -i 2 < dec-independence
Unbuffered input
i:5 parent ID:4462 child ID:0
process ID: 4463; 'In_Congress,_July_4,_1776_The_'
i:5 parent ID:4462 child ID:0
process ID: 4463; 'unanimous_Declaration_of_da_th'
4462: child 4463 exited with status 0x0000
i:4 parent ID:4460 child ID:4463
process ID: 4462; 'irteen_united_States_of_Americ'
i:4 parent ID:4460 child ID:4463
process ID: 4462; 'a,_When_in_the_Course_of_human'
4460: child 4462 exited with status 0x0000
i:3 parent ID:4459 child ID:4462
process ID: 4460; '_events,_it_becomes_necessary_'
i:3 parent ID:4459 child ID:4462
process ID: 4460; 'for_one_people_to_dissolve_the'
4459: child 4460 exited with status 0x0000
i:2 parent ID:4457 child ID:4460
process ID: 4459; '_political_bands_which_have_co'
i:2 parent ID:4457 child ID:4460
process ID: 4459; 'nnected_them_with_another,_and'
4457: child 4459 exited with status 0x0000
i:1 parent ID:9082 child ID:4459
process ID: 4457; '_to_assume_among_the_powers_of'
i:1 parent ID:9082 child ID:4459
process ID: 4457; '_the_earth,_the_separate_and_e'
$ rd31 -P -p 5 -c 30 -s 1 -i 2 < dec-independence
Buffered input
i:5 parent ID:4491 child ID:0
process ID: 4492; 'In_Congress,_July_4,_1776_The_'
i:5 parent ID:4491 child ID:0
process ID: 4492; 'unanimous_Declaration_of_da_th'
4491: child 4492 exited with status 0x0000
i:4 parent ID:4490 child ID:4492
process ID: 4491; 't_of_and_superior_to_the_Civil'
i:4 parent ID:4490 child ID:4492
process ID: 4491; '_power._He_has_combined_with_o'
4490: child 4491 exited with status 0x0000
i:3 parent ID:4489 child ID:4491
process ID: 4490; 'Congress,_Assembled,_appealing'
i:3 parent ID:4489 child ID:4491
process ID: 4490; '_to_the_Supreme_Judge_of_the_w'
4489: child 4490 exited with status 0x0000
i:2 parent ID:4487 child ID:4490
process ID: 4489; ''
i:2 parent ID:4487 child ID:4490
process ID: 4489; ''
4487: child 4489 exited with status 0x0000
i:1 parent ID:9082 child ID:4489
process ID: 4487; ''
i:1 parent ID:9082 child ID:4489