Jedi 不使用 boto3 库
Jedi Not Working With boto3 Library
我正在尝试让 jedi 与 Amazon Web Services ( ) 的 boto3 库一起正常工作。
$ python
Python 3.4.3 (default, Jul 16 2015, 13:03:44)
[GCC 5.1.1 20150618 (Red Hat 5.1.1-4)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import boto3
>>> sqs = boto3.resource("sqs", region_name="us-west-2")
>>> sqs.<TAB><TAB>
sqs.Message( sqs.__dict__ sqs.__format__(
sqs.__hash__ sqs.__module__ sqs.__reduce_ex__(
sqs.__str__( sqs.get_queue_by_name(
>>> type(sqs)
<class 'boto3.resources.factory.sqs'>
在交互式解释器上,我正确完成了 class。输入绝地:
>>> import jedi
>>> jedi.__version__
>>> jedi.Script('import boto3; sqs = boto3.resou').completions()
[<Completion: resource>, <Completion: resources>]
>>> code = 'import boto3; sqs = boto3.resource("sqs", region_name="us-west-2"); sqs.'
>>> jedi.Script(code).completions()
编辑: 似乎 PyCharm 有同样的问题:
由 jamesls 提供(来自 PyCharm 问题 ):
This is happening because all of the methods on the boto3 clients and
resource objects are generated at runtime based on a JSON file that
describes what operations the service supports. Pycharm would have to
have specific knowledge about this process in order to auto complete
method names.
我正在尝试让 jedi 与 Amazon Web Services ( ) 的 boto3 库一起正常工作。
$ python
Python 3.4.3 (default, Jul 16 2015, 13:03:44)
[GCC 5.1.1 20150618 (Red Hat 5.1.1-4)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import boto3
>>> sqs = boto3.resource("sqs", region_name="us-west-2")
>>> sqs.<TAB><TAB>
sqs.Message( sqs.__dict__ sqs.__format__(
sqs.__hash__ sqs.__module__ sqs.__reduce_ex__(
sqs.__str__( sqs.get_queue_by_name(
>>> type(sqs)
<class 'boto3.resources.factory.sqs'>
在交互式解释器上,我正确完成了 class。输入绝地:
>>> import jedi
>>> jedi.__version__
>>> jedi.Script('import boto3; sqs = boto3.resou').completions()
[<Completion: resource>, <Completion: resources>]
>>> code = 'import boto3; sqs = boto3.resource("sqs", region_name="us-west-2"); sqs.'
>>> jedi.Script(code).completions()
编辑: 似乎 PyCharm 有同样的问题:
由 jamesls 提供(来自 PyCharm 问题
This is happening because all of the methods on the boto3 clients and resource objects are generated at runtime based on a JSON file that describes what operations the service supports. Pycharm would have to have specific knowledge about this process in order to auto complete method names.