
How to increase a integer every second

我正在 Python 中制作一个躲避游戏,我希望分数每秒增加 1,但问题是我不知道如何做。如果能找到一个无需更改太多代码的解决方案就好了。


在游戏循环中迭代时,您可以使用时间库检查当前时间。然后,您可以检查自上次获得积分后是否过了一秒。 它可能看起来像这样:

import time
points = 0
currentTime = time.time()
previousPointAwardedTime = currentTime

while gameRunning == True:
    currentTime = time.time()
    if (currentTime - previousPointAwardedTime) >= 1:
        points += 1
        previousPointAwardedTime = currentTime


import asyncio

score = 0  # starting game with a score of zero

async def s():
    global score
    score += 1 #increasing score by 1
    await asyncio.sleep(1)  #waiting for 1 second

while True:  #while game is running
    asyncio.run(s()) #calling function
    print(score)  #printing score