Helm Chart - 多行处理文件结果

Helm Chart - Process File result with multiple lines

我有一个 ConfigMap,我在其数据属性中包含一个文件,我需要从中替换几个字符串。但是我无法将它(“替换”)分成几行,这样它就不会得到一条巨线。我该怎么做?


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
{{ (.Files.Glob "myFolder/*.json").AsConfig | indent 2 | replace "var1_enabled" (toString .Values.myVar1.enabled) | replace "var2_enabled" (toString .Values.myVar2.enabled) }}


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
{{ (.Files.Glob "myFolder/*.json").AsConfig | indent 2 |
  replace "var1_enabled" (toString .Values.myVar1.enabled) |
  replace "var2_enabled" (toString .Values.myVar2.enabled) }}


What is the right syntax to do this?

this documentation. There are many different ways to achieve your goal, it all depends on the specific situation. You have everything in that documentation. Look at the example中有很好的描述,与您的当前情况最相关:

When writing templates, you may find yourself wanting to inject the contents of a file into the template. As we saw in previous chapters, there are two ways of doing this:

  • Use {{ .Files.Get "FILENAME" }} to get the contents of a file in the chart.
  • Use {{ include "TEMPLATE" . }} to render a template and then place its contents into the chart.

When inserting files into YAML, it's good to understand the multi-line rules above. Often times, the easiest way to insert a static file is to do something like this:

myfile: |
{{ .Files.Get "myfile.txt" | indent 2 }}

Note how we do the indentation above: indent 2 tells the template engine to indent every line in "myfile.txt" with two spaces. Note that we do not indent that template line. That's because if we did, the file content of the first line would be indented twice.

更多信息请查看 similar problem on github and


But I'm not able to divide it (the "replaces") into several lines so that it doesn't get a giant line. How can I do this?

这是不可能实现的。 Go Template 不支持换行符。 有关更多信息,请参阅 . and this documentation

The input text for a template is UTF-8-encoded text in any format. "Actions"--data evaluations or control structures--are delimited by "{{" and "}}"; all text outside actions is copied to the output unchanged. Except for raw strings, actions may not span newlines, although comments can.

由于无法在 ConfigMap 处将表达式拆分为多行,我终于使用 _helpers.tpl 文件找到了解决方案。


Manage the files and replace some variables
{{- define "myFiles" -}}
{{ $filesConfig := (.Files.Glob "myFolder/*.json").AsConfig }}

{{ $myVars := dict "var1_enabled" (toString .Values.myVar1.enabled) }}
{{ $myVars = merge $myVars (dict "var2_enabled" (toString .Values.myVar2.enabled)) }}

{{ range $key, $value := $myVars }}
{{ $filesConfig = ($filesConfig | replace $key $value) }}
{{ end }}

{{ $filesConfig }}
{{- end -}}

然后我将 ConfigMap 更改为如下内容:

{{- $myFiles := include "myFiles" . -}}
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  {{ $myFiles }}
