事件侦听器等待 action/callback
event listener wait for action/callback
是否可以像回调一样处理事件侦听器并等待其 action/return?
场景如下,我加载一个页面并调用 initialize()
,它呈现一个 div 和一个按钮,但将其隐藏。然后我点击一个图标,然后显示 div 和按钮以使其可见。
当我调用 showDivAndButton
时,我正在等待有人单击呈现的按钮时的 Promise 或回调。在这种情况下,我正在等待“怎么了?”
initialize() {
window.addEventListener('message', async (e) => { if(e.data === 'hello-world') { return "whats up?"; } });
showDivAndButton() {
// wait for button to be pressed and return string
renderDivAndButton() {
btn.onclick = { window.postMessage('hello-world', '*'); }
也许 async showDivAndButton(): Promise<string> {}
然后做类似 let res = await showDivAndButton();
您绝对可以使用 async/await 编写一个函数来等待您发布的消息被触发(由按钮触发)。为此,您需要将事件侦听器包装在一个承诺中,如下所示:
async function waitForMessage() {
return new Promise((accept, reject) => {
const handler = (event: MessageEvent) => {
if(event.data === 'hello-world') {
* This try catch is important if your handler
* does something more complicated that might
* throw an error. If you don't do this, your
* awaiting function won't be able to catch that error
try {
// More code
accept("What's up?")
} catch(error) {
window.removeEventListener('message', handler)
window.addEventListener('message', handler);
const message = await waitForMessage()
console.log(message) // "What's up?"
是否可以像回调一样处理事件侦听器并等待其 action/return?
场景如下,我加载一个页面并调用 initialize()
,它呈现一个 div 和一个按钮,但将其隐藏。然后我点击一个图标,然后显示 div 和按钮以使其可见。
当我调用 showDivAndButton
时,我正在等待有人单击呈现的按钮时的 Promise 或回调。在这种情况下,我正在等待“怎么了?”
initialize() {
window.addEventListener('message', async (e) => { if(e.data === 'hello-world') { return "whats up?"; } });
showDivAndButton() {
// wait for button to be pressed and return string
renderDivAndButton() {
btn.onclick = { window.postMessage('hello-world', '*'); }
也许 async showDivAndButton(): Promise<string> {}
然后做类似 let res = await showDivAndButton();
您绝对可以使用 async/await 编写一个函数来等待您发布的消息被触发(由按钮触发)。为此,您需要将事件侦听器包装在一个承诺中,如下所示:
async function waitForMessage() {
return new Promise((accept, reject) => {
const handler = (event: MessageEvent) => {
if(event.data === 'hello-world') {
* This try catch is important if your handler
* does something more complicated that might
* throw an error. If you don't do this, your
* awaiting function won't be able to catch that error
try {
// More code
accept("What's up?")
} catch(error) {
window.removeEventListener('message', handler)
window.addEventListener('message', handler);
const message = await waitForMessage()
console.log(message) // "What's up?"