Angular JS Table 格式化

Angular JS Table Formatting

我有一个 AngularJS 应用程序,其中有一个 table,如下图所示,



var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);


    [{ Name: "Ishan", Code: 1, Is_Intern: "Yes", DateOfJoining: "01/02/2022", Skills: "VB, DOT.NET, Angular", Status: "Working" },
    { Name: "Ashwin", Code: 2, Is_Intern: "No", DateOfJoining: "21/03/2021", Skills: "VB, Ruby, Angular", Status: "Inactive" },
    { Name: "Shailesh", Code: 3, Is_Intern: "Yes", DateOfJoining: "27/04/2021", Skills: "VB, Python, Angular", Status: "Working" },
    { Name: "Pawan", Code: 4, Is_Intern: "No", DateOfJoining: "14/01/2022", Skills: "VB, Sapphire, Angular", Status: "Inactive" }]);

myApp.component('employeeDetail', {

    bindings: {
        Name: '<',
        Code: '<',
        Is_Intern: '<',
        DateOfJoining: '<',
        Skills: '<',

    controller: 'empCtrl',

myApp.controller('empCtrl', function empCtrl($scope, Employees) {

    $scope.EmployeeDetails = Employees;

    $scope.Name = Employees.Name;
    $scope.Code = Employees.Code;
    $scope.Is_Intern = Employees.Is_Intern;
    $scope.DateOfJoining = Employees.DateOfJoining;
    $scope.Skills = Employees.Skills;
    $scope.Status = Employees.Status;

    $scope.add = function () {


            Name: $scope.Name,
            Code: $scope.Code,
            Is_Intern: $scope.Is_Intern,
            DateOfJoining: $scope.DateOfJoining,
            Skills: $scope.Skills,
            Status: $scope.Status,
        $ = '';
        $scope.Code = '';
        $scope.Is_Intern = '';
        $scope.DateOfJoining = '';
        $scope.Skills = '';
        $scope.Status = '';

    function select(Name) {

        for (let i = 0; i < $scope.EmployeeDetails.length; i++) {
            if ($scope.EmployeeDetails[i].Name == Name) {
                return i;
        return -1;

    $scope.edit = function (Name) {

        let index = select(Name);
        let emp = $scope.EmployeeDetails[index];
        $scope.Name = emp.Name;
        $scope.Code = emp.Code;
        $scope.Is_Intern = emp.Is_Intern;
        $scope.DateOfJoining = emp.DateOfJoining;
        $scope.Skills = emp.Skills;
        $scope.Status = emp.Status;

    $ = function () {

        let index = select($scope.Name);
        $scope.EmployeeDetails[index].Name = $scope.Name;
        $scope.EmployeeDetails[index].Code = $scope.Code;
        $scope.EmployeeDetails[index].Is_Intern = $scope.Is_Intern;
        $scope.EmployeeDetails[index].DateOfJoining = $scope.DateOfJoining;
        $scope.EmployeeDetails[index].Skills = $scope.Skills;
        $scope.EmployeeDetails[index].Status = $scope.Status;

        $scope.Name = '';
        $scope.Code = '';
        $scope.Is_Intern = '';
        $scope.DateOfJoining = '';
        $scope.Skills = '';
        $scope.Status = '';

    $scope.delete = function (emp) {
        if (confirm("Are You Sure You want to delete this record ?")) {
            $scope.EmployeeDetails.splice(emp, 1)

    $scope.selectedRow = null;
    $scope.setClickedRow = function (index) {
        $scope.selectedRow = index;
table {
    border-collapse: collapse;
    font-family: Arial;

td {
    border: 1px solid black;
    padding: 5px;

th {
    border: 1px solid black;
    padding: 5px;
    text-align: center;

input {
    display: block;

label {
    margin-bottom: 5px;
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="empCtrl">
            <th colspan="8">Names of Employees</th>
                <th colspan="2" style="text-align: center;">Action</th>
            <tr ng-repeat="emp in EmployeeDetails">
                <td><button ng-click="edit(emp.Name)">Edit</button></td>
                <td><button ng-click="delete($index)">Delete</button></td>

            <input ng-model="Name" type="text" />
            <input ng-model="Code" type="number" />
            <input ng-model="Is_Intern" type="text" />
            <input ng-model="Skills" type="text" />
            <input ng-model="Status" type="text" />
            Date Of Joining
            <input ng-model="DateOfJoining" type="text" />
            <button ng-click="add()">Add</button>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
        <button ng-click="save()">Update</button><br><br>

这可以通过在angular js中使用ng-class来实现


  • 单击删除按钮时,在该行上设置一些标志以指示该行处于活动状态我使用了 isActive class.
  • 然后使用ng-class条件,ng-class="{'highlight': emp.isActive == true}"
  • 由于您正在使用 JavaScript confirm 方法,因此您必须使用 setTimeout 函数来触发 confirm 对话框。否则更改将在 DOM.
  • 中不可见
  • 由于您使用了 setTimeout,您必须使用 $scope.$apply() 才能使您的更改反映在 UI。


var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);


    [{ Name: "Ishan", Code: 1, Is_Intern: "Yes", DateOfJoining: "01/02/2022", Skills: "VB, DOT.NET, Angular", Status: "Working" },
    { Name: "Ashwin", Code: 2, Is_Intern: "No", DateOfJoining: "21/03/2021", Skills: "VB, Ruby, Angular", Status: "Inactive" },
    { Name: "Shailesh", Code: 3, Is_Intern: "Yes", DateOfJoining: "27/04/2021", Skills: "VB, Python, Angular", Status: "Working" },
    { Name: "Pawan", Code: 4, Is_Intern: "No", DateOfJoining: "14/01/2022", Skills: "VB, Sapphire, Angular", Status: "Inactive" }]);

myApp.component('employeeDetail', {

    bindings: {
        Name: '<',
        Code: '<',
        Is_Intern: '<',
        DateOfJoining: '<',
        Skills: '<',

    controller: 'empCtrl',

myApp.controller('empCtrl', function empCtrl($scope, Employees) {

    $scope.EmployeeDetails = Employees;

    $scope.Name = Employees.Name;
    $scope.Code = Employees.Code;
    $scope.Is_Intern = Employees.Is_Intern;
    $scope.DateOfJoining = Employees.DateOfJoining;
    $scope.Skills = Employees.Skills;
    $scope.Status = Employees.Status;

    $scope.add = function () {


            Name: $scope.Name,
            Code: $scope.Code,
            Is_Intern: $scope.Is_Intern,
            DateOfJoining: $scope.DateOfJoining,
            Skills: $scope.Skills,
            Status: $scope.Status,
        $ = '';
        $scope.Code = '';
        $scope.Is_Intern = '';
        $scope.DateOfJoining = '';
        $scope.Skills = '';
        $scope.Status = '';

    function select(Name) {

        for (let i = 0; i < $scope.EmployeeDetails.length; i++) {
            if ($scope.EmployeeDetails[i].Name == Name) {
                return i;
        return -1;

    $scope.edit = function (Name) {

        let index = select(Name);
        let emp = $scope.EmployeeDetails[index];
        $scope.Name = emp.Name;
        $scope.Code = emp.Code;
        $scope.Is_Intern = emp.Is_Intern;
        $scope.DateOfJoining = emp.DateOfJoining;
        $scope.Skills = emp.Skills;
        $scope.Status = emp.Status;

    $ = function () {

        let index = select($scope.Name);
        $scope.EmployeeDetails[index].Name = $scope.Name;
        $scope.EmployeeDetails[index].Code = $scope.Code;
        $scope.EmployeeDetails[index].Is_Intern = $scope.Is_Intern;
        $scope.EmployeeDetails[index].DateOfJoining = $scope.DateOfJoining;
        $scope.EmployeeDetails[index].Skills = $scope.Skills;
        $scope.EmployeeDetails[index].Status = $scope.Status;

        $scope.Name = '';
        $scope.Code = '';
        $scope.Is_Intern = '';
        $scope.DateOfJoining = '';
        $scope.Skills = '';
        $scope.Status = '';

    $scope.deleteRow = function (emp, row) {
        row.isActive = true;
        setTimeout(function () {
            $scope.delete(emp, row);

    $scope.delete = function (emp, row) {
        if (confirm("Are You Sure You want to delete this record ?")) {
            $scope.EmployeeDetails.splice(emp, 1)
        row.isActive = false;

    $scope.selectedRow = null;
    $scope.setClickedRow = function (index) {
        $scope.selectedRow = index;
table {
    border-collapse: collapse;
    font-family: Arial;

td {
    border: 1px solid black;
    padding: 5px;

th {
    border: 1px solid black;
    padding: 5px;
    text-align: center;

input {
    display: block;

label {
    margin-bottom: 5px;

.highlight {
    background: gray;
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="empCtrl">
            <th colspan="8">Names of Employees</th>

                <th colspan="2" style="text-align: center;">Action</th>

            <tr ng-repeat="emp in EmployeeDetails" ng-class="{'highlight': emp.isActive == true}">
                <td>{{emp.Name}} - {{ emp.isActive }}</td>
                <td><button ng-click="edit(emp.Nam, emp)">Edit</button></td>
                <td><button ng-click="deleteRow($index, emp)">Delete</button></td>

            <input ng-model="Name" type="text" />
            <input ng-model="Code" type="number" />
            <input ng-model="Is_Intern" type="text" />
            <input ng-model="Skills" type="text" />
            <input ng-model="Status" type="text" />
            Date Of Joining
            <input ng-model="DateOfJoining" type="text" />
            <button ng-click="add()">Add</button>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
        <button ng-click="save()">Update</button><br><br>