为什么 win.setPosition('center') 将 window 移到左上角?

Why does win.setPosition('center') move the window to top-left?

我有这段代码,我在将全屏从全屏切换回 windowed 模式后执行:


window 一直出现在屏幕的左上角 -- 而不是中间。

http://docs.nwjs.io/en/latest/References/Window/#winsetpositionposition 处的手册声明:

position {String} the position of the window. There are three valid positions: null or center or mouse Move window to specified position. Currently only center is supported on all platforms, which will put window in the middle of the screen.


郑重声明,“鼠标”值(我没有 want/need)也不起作用;它似乎把 window 放在一个随机或半随机的地方,远离光标。


确保您正在创建如下所示的 win 变量:

const win = nw.Window.get();

// Move window to top left of screen
win.moveTo(0, 0);

// Move window to middle of screen

// Manually move window to middle of screen
const screen = nw.Screens.screen[0].bounds;
const x = Math.floor((screen.width - win.width) / 2);
const y = Math.floor((screen.height - win.height) / 2);
win.moveTo(x, y);

如果您想将显示器移动到其他位置,可以使用 nw.Screen.screens 查看所有显示器的尺寸。