如何检查 set1 是否是 Scheme 中 set2 的子集?

How to check if a set1 is a subset of set2 in Scheme?

如果 set1 是 set2 的子集,我尝试将代码写入 return 'true'。

例如:(subset '(a b) '(a c b d)) --> #t (subset '(a b) '(a c d)) --> #f


(define (subset lst1 lst2)
  (cond ((null? lst2) #f)
        ((member (car lst1)  lst2)
         (subset  (cdr lst1)  lst2)
        (else #f)))
    ((member (car lst1) lst2)
     (subset (cdr lst1) lst2) 

true 那里没有理由。您将问题简化为子问题。

此外,无需检查 (null? lst2),因为您不会遍历 lst2。最终条件必须改为检查 lst1


(define (subset lst1 lst2)
  (or (null? lst1)
      (and (member (car lst1) lst2)
           (subset (cdr lst1) lst2)))))