如何用 2 个不同的键解析 Json?

How to parse Json with 2 different keys?

我正在尝试解析 this API

这基本上是一个带有“询问”和“出价”的订单簿。 我如何解析它们,将要价与出价分开? 例如 api 开始询问 属性 所以如果 Json 是 {"asks":[["0.00001555","3264400"],["0.00001556","3662200"],["0.00001573","3264400"]



Price- Quantity

0.00001555 - 3264400

0.00001556 - 3662200

0.00001573 - 3264400


之后是"bids":[["0.00001325","300"],["0.00001313","100"],["0.00001312","1051400"],["0.00001311","1300000"],["0.0000131","9336700"] 所以我期待


Price- Quantity

0.00001325- 300

0.00001313 - 100

0.00001312 - 1051400

0.00001311 - 1300000

0.0000131 - 9336700



 Dim streamData As Stream = Nothing
      Using http As HttpClient = New HttpClient
          Dim url As String = "https://api.hotbit.io/api/v1/order.depth?market=KIBA/USDT&limit=100&interval=1e-8"
          Dim t As Task(Of Stream) = http.GetStreamAsync(url)
          streamData = t.Result
      End Using
      Dim jsonResponse As JsonNode = JsonNode.Parse(streamData)
      Dim result As JsonObject = jsonResponse("result").AsObject
  For Each kvp In result.AsEnumerable
      c &= kvp.Value("key?!?!?!?").ToString & ", "

但在这种情况下,没有我可以“解析”的键,而且值的格式为 ["Price", "Quantity"] 而且我也不知道如何在询价和出价之间拆分结果,也许将它们拆分为两个不同的 richtextboxes multiline .. 任何帮助,将不胜感激 谢谢

使用 JsonUtils 将为您创建 classes,然后您可以将它们复制到您的项目中。


Public Class Result
    Public Property asks As String()()
    Public Property bids As String()()
    Public Property seqNum As Integer
    Public Property prevSeqNum As Integer
    Public Property lastTs As Double
End Class

Public Class Root
    Public Property [error] As Object
    Public Property result As Result
    Public Property id As Integer
End Class

Please note having error as a property name will throw a compiler error and so you'll need to wrap it in square brackets like [error].


Private Async Sub MyMethod()
    Dim root As Root = Await GetJsonFromApi()

    For each ask In root.result.asks
End Sub

Private Async Function GetJsonFromApi() As Task(Of Root)
    Using http As New HttpClient()
        Dim url As String = "https://api.hotbit.io/api/v1/order.depth?market=KIBA/USDT&limit=100&interval=1e-8"
        Return Await http.GetFromJsonAsync(Of Root)(url)
    End Using
End Function


Private Async Sub MyMethod()
    Dim root As Root = Await GetJsonFromApi()

    For each ask In root.result.asks

End Sub

Private Async Function GetJsonFromApi() As Task(Of Root)
    Using http As New HttpClient()
        Dim url As String = "https://api.hotbit.io/api/v1/order.depth?market=KIBA/USDT&limit=100&interval=1e-8"
        Dim response As HttpResponseMessage = Await http.GetAsync(url)

        If response.IsSuccessStatusCode 
            Return Await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync(Of Root)
        End If
    End Using

    Return New Result
End Function

附带说明一下,我正在等待您可以通过关键字 Await 看到的回复。我更喜欢这样做而不是在最后调用 .Result

最后,我会考虑将 url 变量设为常量:

Private Const URI As String = "https://api.hotbit.io/api/v1/order.depth?market=KIBA/USDT&limit=100&interval=1e-8"

Dim response As HttpResponseMessage = Await http.GetAsync(URI)

还有 Newtonsoft.Json 可以用来将 JSON 反序列化为 class:

Private Async Function GetJsonFromApi() As Task(Of Root)
    Using http As New HttpClient(),
          response As HttpResponseMessage = await http.GetAsync(URI)
            Return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of Root)(Await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync())
    End Using
End Function

Note you will have to add this as a Nuget package to your application. Also I've assumed the URI is now a constant and I've nested the Using statements.

要输出这些你必须使用String.Join and to ensure the UI doesn't freeze you can call Control.BeginInvoke:

Private Sub OutputAsks(asks As String()())
    Dim contents As New StringBuilder

    contents.AppendLine("Price - Quantity")

    For Each ask In asks
        contents.AppendLine(String.Join(" - ", ask))

                                 RichTextBox1.Text = contents.ToString()
                             End Sub)
End Sub

Private Sub OutputBids(bids As String()())
    Dim contents As New StringBuilder

    contents.AppendLine("Price - Quantity")

    For Each bid In bids
        contents.AppendLine(String.Join(" - ", bid))

                                 RichTextBox2.Text = contents.ToString()
                             End Sub)
End Sub

Note, as part of the Control.BeginInvoke you don't have to strictly call Control.EndInvoke as noted in the docs:

You can call EndInvoke to retrieve the return value from the delegate, if neccesary, but this is not required. EndInvoke will block until the return value can be retrieved.

完整的解决方案 - 考虑到您的 ButtonTimerRichTextbox 控件 - 看起来像:

Private Const URI As String = "https://api.hotbit.io/api/v1/order.depth?market=KIBA/USDT&limit=10&interval=1e-8"

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
End Sub

Private Async Sub UpdateContents()
    Dim jsonContents As String = Await GetJsonFromApi()
    Dim root As Root = DeserialiseJsonToRoot(jsonContents)

End Sub

Private Async Function GetJsonFromApi() As Task(Of String)
    Using http As New HttpClient(),
        response As HttpResponseMessage = Await http.GetAsync(URI)
        Return Await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()
    End Using
End Function

Private Function DeserialiseJsonToRoot(json As String) As Root
    Return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of Root)(json)
End Function

Private Sub OutputAsks(asks As String()())
    Dim contents As New StringBuilder

    contents.AppendLine("Price - Quantity")

    For Each ask In asks
        contents.AppendLine(String.Join(" - ", ask))

                                 RichTextBox1.Text = contents.ToString()
                             End Sub)
End Sub

Private Sub OutputBids(bids As String()())
    Dim contents As New StringBuilder

    contents.AppendLine("Price - Quantity")

    For Each bid In bids
        contents.AppendLine(String.Join(" - ", bid))

                                 RichTextBox2.Text = contents.ToString()
                             End Sub)
End Sub