可以使用 Cucumber runner 执行 TestNG 跨浏览器测试吗?

Can a TestNG cross-browser test be executed with Cucumber runner?

我正在使用带有 Cucumber 的 Selenium Webdriver。使用该组合,我的测试按预期工作。为了实现跨浏览器测试,我加入了TestNG框架。为了验证我的跨浏览器测试是否运行良好,我 运行 只使用 TestNG,不使用 Cucumber。它 运行 在 Chrome 和 Firefox 浏览器中都完美无缺。

public class WebTest {

  WebDriver driver = null;
  BasePageWeb basePage;
  public String browser;

  @Parameters({ "Browser" })
  public WebTest(String browser) {
    this.browser = browser;

  public void navigateToUrl() {
    switch (browser) {

      case "CHROME":
        driver = new ChromeDriver();

      case "FF":
        driver = new FirefoxDriver();

        driver = null;


  public void loginToWebApp() {

    basePage = new BasePageWeb(driver);



testng.xml 文件:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd">

<suite name="Suite" parallel="tests" thread-count="5">

    <test name="Chrome Test">
        <parameter name="Browser" value="CHROME"/>
            <class name="tests.web.WebTest"/>
    <test name="Firefox Test">
        <parameter name="Browser" value="FF"/>
            <class name="tests.web.WebTest"/>

我需要将 TestNG 测试与我的 Cucumber 设置集成,这样我就可以 运行 使用 Cucumber 进行整个测试。为此,我向 POM 添加了 cucumber-testng 依赖项,并创建了一个扩展 AbstractCucumberTestNG class 的 Cucumber 运行ner。我指定了特征文件的位置和步骤定义。步骤定义映射到 TestNG 测试。


                plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/surefire-reports/cucumber",
                glue = {"stepdefinitions"},
                tags = "@web-1",
                features = {"src/test/resources/features/web.feature"})

 public class RunCucumberNGTest extends AbstractTestNGCucumberTests {


public class WebAppStepDefinitions {
      private final WebTest webTest = new WebTest("CHROME"); //create an object of the class holding the testng test. If I change the argument to FF, the test will run only on Firefox
      static boolean prevScenarioFailed = false;
      public void setUp() {
        if (prevScenarioFailed) {
          throw new IllegalStateException("Previous scenario failed!");
      public void stopExecutionAfterFailure(Scenario scenario) throws Exception {
        prevScenarioFailed = scenario.isFailed();
      @Given("^I have navigated to the web url \"([^\"]*)\"$")
      public void navigateToUrl(String url) {  test
        webTest.navigateToUrl(url); //calling the first method holding the testng
      @When("^I log into my web account with valid credentials as specicified in (.*) and (.*)$")
      public void logintoWebApp(String username, String password) {
        webTest.loginToWebApp(username, password); //calling the second method holding the testng

在 运行 上 class,测试只在一个浏览器中执行 (Chrome)。不知何故,Firefox 在构建过程中迷失了方向。我怀疑我从另一个 class 错误地调用了参数化的 TestNG 方法。如何才能调用成功?

对于使用 Cucumber 的 运行 TestNG 测试,您必须在 testng.xml 中定义 Test 运行ner classes。 =18=]

你的 测试 运行ner class 是 RunCucumberNGTest.

所以 xml 应该是这样的:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd">

<suite name="Suite" parallel="tests" thread-count="5">

    <test name="Chrome Test">
        <parameter name="Browser" value="CHROME"/>
            <class name="some.package.name.RunCucumberNGTest"/>
    <test name="Firefox Test">
        <parameter name="Browser" value="FF"/>
            <class name="some.package.name.RunCucumberNGTest"/>


  1. 运行相同的一组测试,但参数值不同。

  2. 这应该并行工作,所以这应该是 thread-safe。

1 为测试引入TestNG参数运行ner class

                plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/surefire-reports/cucumber",
                glue = {"stepdefinitions"},
                tags = "@web-1",
                features = {"src/test/resources/features/web.feature"})
public class RunCucumberNGTest extends AbstractTestNGCucumberTests {

    // static thread-safe container to keep the browser value
    public final static ThreadLocal<String> BROWSER = new ThreadLocal<>();

    public void defineBrowser(String browser) {
        //put browser value to thread-safe container


2 使用步骤定义中的值 class

public class WebAppStepDefinitions {
      private WebTest webTest;
      static boolean prevScenarioFailed = false;
      public void setUp() {
        if (prevScenarioFailed) {
          throw new IllegalStateException("Previous scenario failed!");
        //get the browser value for current thread
        String browser = RunCucumberNGTest.BROWSER.get();
        System.out.println("WebAppStepDefinitions: " + browser);
        //create an object of the class holding the testng test. If I change the argument to FF, the test will run only on Firefox
        webTest = new WebTest(browser);
      public void stopExecutionAfterFailure(Scenario scenario) throws Exception {
        prevScenarioFailed = scenario.isFailed();
      @Given("^I have navigated to the web url \"([^\"]*)\"$")
      public void navigateToUrl(String url) {
        webTest.navigateToUrl(url); //calling the first method holding the testng
      @When("^I log into my web account with valid credentials as specicified in (.*) and (.*)$")
      public void logintoWebApp(String username, String password) {
        webTest.loginToWebApp(username, password); //calling the second method holding the testng


注意: 应从 WebTest class 中删除所有 TestNG 注释,它们将不起作用,也不是必需的。 WebTestWebAppStepDefinitions class 显式使用,所有显式调用的方法均未被 TestNG 调用。


public class WebTest {

  WebDriver driver = null;
  BasePageWeb basePage;
  public String browser;

  public WebTest(String browser) {
    this.browser = browser;

  public void navigateToUrl(String url) {
    switch (browser) {

      case "CHROME":
        driver = new ChromeDriver();

      case "FF":
        driver = new FirefoxDriver();

        driver = null;


  public void loginToWebApp(String username, String password) {

    basePage = new BasePageWeb(driver);
