Mock api redux 工具包的响应错误对象

Mock api response error object for redux toolkit

我是第一次尝试 [redux 工具包][1],但没有找到有关如何测试 ui 对 api 调用的响应的有用文档。

我看到 [jest-fetch-mock][2] 建议模拟调用,这些调用有点隐藏在语法糖中。

目前我的代码可以工作,但我找不到一个好的方法来模拟我应该从我的 api 调用中获得的 500 来测试特定场景。 这是在我的 RequestList.tsx 文件中调用 api 的方法:

const updateAndRedirect = () => {
    return updateCuration({ state, employeeId })
      .then((data) => proceedToLookPage(data.curation.ocpId))
      .catch((e) => {
        const errorMessage =
        if (errorMessage === "Cannot read property 'state' of null") {
        } else {

   {error && hasNoRequestsInQueue && (
     message="No new requests to start"



   import { fireEvent, getByText, render, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'
   import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
   import { store } from 'app/store'
   import RequestList from 'scenes/RequestList'
   import fetchMock, { enableFetchMocks } from 'jest-fetch-mock'
   import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event' 
   beforeEach((): void => {
     // enableFetchMocks()
   describe('RequestList', () => {
   it('should render a "no requests in queue" message if the call fails', async () => {
       const { getByText } = render(
         <Provider store={store}>
           <RequestList />
   fetchMock.mockReject(new Error("Cannot read property 'state' of null"))
   await waitFor(() => new/)))
       await waitFor(
         () => expect(getByText('No new requests to start')).toBeInTheDocument

When I run this test it fails because the error being thrown looks like: 

         status: 'FETCH_ERROR',
         error: "Error: Cannot read property 'state' of null"

I want the error to look like: 

    status: 500,
    data: {
      error: "Cannot read property 'state' of null"

So that my code declaring the const errorMessage can be run. It is looking for but I can't nest the mocked error message in that shape. 
Since it works locally I believe it is my mock that needs to change.

Any ideas how to mock the response better? Or a different strategy for testing rtk post requests altogether?


终于解决了! jest-fetch-mock 的文档在我看来不是很友好。

即使我试图模拟一个错误,我也需要使用 mockResponse() 函数。

fetchMock.mockResponse( JSON.stringify({ error: "Cannot read property 'state' of null" }), { status: 500 } )

其中 { error: "Cannot read property 'state' of null" } 是网络选项卡中返回的错误消息的正文。

出于某种原因,mockReject() 函数对错误主体的外观进行了假设,这与我的错误外观非常不同。