根据 floor/ceil 条件,将 pandas 列值舍入或截断为 2 位小数
Either round or truncate pandas column values to 2 decimals, based on floor/ceil conditions
if x(小数点后两位以上的数值)> math.floor(x) + 0.5
- ...然后将该值四舍五入到两位小数。
if x(小数点后两位以上的数值)< math.ceil(x) - 0.5
- ...然后将该值截断为两位小数。
我遇到的主要问题是实际上看到这些新 rounded/truncated 值替换了数据框中的原始值。
import math
import pandas as pd
test_df = pd.DataFrame({'weights': ['25.2524%', '25.7578%', '35.5012%', '13.5000%',
"50.8782%", "10.2830%", "5.5050%", "30.5555%", "20.7550%"]})
# .. which creates:
| weights |
|0 | 25.2524%|
|1 | 25.7578%|
|2 | 35.5012%|
|3 | 13.5000%|
|4 | 50.8782%|
|5 | 10.2830%|
|6 | 5.5050%|
|7 | 30.5555%|
|8 | 20.7550%|
def truncate_decimals(target_allocation, two_decimal_places) -> float:
decimal_exponent = 10.0 ** two_decimal_places
return math.trunc(decimal_exponent * target_allocation) / decimal_exponent
def decimals(df):
df["weights"] = df["weights"].str.rstrip("%").astype("float")
decimal_precision = 2
for x in df["weights"]:
if x > math.floor(x) + 0.5:
x = round(x, decimal_precision)
print("This value is being rounded", x)
df.loc[(df.weights == x), ('weights')] = x
elif x < math.ceil(x) - 0.5:
y = truncate_decimals(x, decimal_precision)
print("This value is being truncated", y)
df.loc[(df.weights == x), ('weights')] = y
print("This value does not meet one of the above conditions", round(x, decimal_precision))
return df
This value is being truncated 25.25
This value is being rounded 25.76
This value is being rounded 35.5
This value does not meet one of the above conditions 13.5
This value is being rounded 50.88
This value is being truncated 10.28
This value is being rounded 5.5
This value is being rounded 30.56
This value is being rounded 20.75
| weights|
|0 | 25.25 |
|1 | 25.76 |
|2 | 35.5 |
|3 | 13.5 |
|4 | 50.88 |
|5 | 10.28 |
|6 | 5.5 |
|7 | 30.56 |
|8 | 20.75 |
The current value is being truncated 25.25
| weights |
|0 | 25.2524%|
|1 | 25.7578%|
|2 | 35.5012%|
|3 | 13.5000%|
|4 | 50.8782%|
|5 | 10.2830%|
|6 | 5.5050%|
|7 | 30.5555%|
|8 | 20.7550%|
另一种方法是定义一个函数,将上述规则应用于通用数字,然后将其应用于列中的每个 权重。
import math
import pandas as pd
test_df = pd.DataFrame({'weights': ['25.2524%', '25.7578%', '35.5012%', '13.5000%',
"50.8782%", "10.2830%", "5.5050%", "30.5555%", "20.7550%"]})
def truncate_decimals(target_allocation, two_decimal_places) -> float:
decimal_exponent = 10.0 ** two_decimal_places
return math.trunc(decimal_exponent * target_allocation) / decimal_exponent
def rule(number, decimal_precision=2):
number = float(number.rstrip("%"))
if number > math.floor(number) + 0.5:
number = round(number, decimal_precision)
print("This value is being rounded", number)
elif number < math.ceil(number) - 0.5:
number = truncate_decimals(number, decimal_precision)
print("This value is being truncated", number)
print("This value does not meet one of the above conditions", round(number, decimal_precision))
return number
test_df['rounded'] = test_df.weights.apply(rule)
pandas .round()
函数 已经在一行中完成了所有这些工作。不要重新发明轮子。
>>> tdf['weights'].round(2)
0 25.25
1 25.76
2 35.50
3 13.50
4 50.88
5 10.28
6 5.50
7 30.56
8 20.76
- 如果您想消除尾随的“0”,例如'13.50',这只是字符串格式,参见
您甚至不需要使用函数 来获取浮点数的小数部分和整数部分。
- (它在
和 math.modf
中;使用 numpy 版本,因为它是矢量化的,所以你可以在整个系列中调用一次,不会做很多单独的、缓慢的 C 调用就像 math.modf
import numpy as np
0 (0.2524000000000015, 25.0)
1 (0.7577999999999996, 25.0)
2 (0.5011999999999972, 35.0)
3 (0.5, 13.0)
4 (0.8781999999999996, 50.0)
5 (0.2829999999999995, 10.0)
6 (0.5049999999999999, 5.0)
7 (0.5554999999999986, 30.0)
8 (0.754999999999999, 20.0)
tdf["weights"] = tdf["weights"].str.rstrip("%").astype("float")
if x(小数点后两位以上的数值)> math.floor(x) + 0.5
- ...然后将该值四舍五入到两位小数。
if x(小数点后两位以上的数值)< math.ceil(x) - 0.5
- ...然后将该值截断为两位小数。
我遇到的主要问题是实际上看到这些新 rounded/truncated 值替换了数据框中的原始值。
import math
import pandas as pd
test_df = pd.DataFrame({'weights': ['25.2524%', '25.7578%', '35.5012%', '13.5000%',
"50.8782%", "10.2830%", "5.5050%", "30.5555%", "20.7550%"]})
# .. which creates:
| weights |
|0 | 25.2524%|
|1 | 25.7578%|
|2 | 35.5012%|
|3 | 13.5000%|
|4 | 50.8782%|
|5 | 10.2830%|
|6 | 5.5050%|
|7 | 30.5555%|
|8 | 20.7550%|
def truncate_decimals(target_allocation, two_decimal_places) -> float:
decimal_exponent = 10.0 ** two_decimal_places
return math.trunc(decimal_exponent * target_allocation) / decimal_exponent
def decimals(df):
df["weights"] = df["weights"].str.rstrip("%").astype("float")
decimal_precision = 2
for x in df["weights"]:
if x > math.floor(x) + 0.5:
x = round(x, decimal_precision)
print("This value is being rounded", x)
df.loc[(df.weights == x), ('weights')] = x
elif x < math.ceil(x) - 0.5:
y = truncate_decimals(x, decimal_precision)
print("This value is being truncated", y)
df.loc[(df.weights == x), ('weights')] = y
print("This value does not meet one of the above conditions", round(x, decimal_precision))
return df
This value is being truncated 25.25
This value is being rounded 25.76
This value is being rounded 35.5
This value does not meet one of the above conditions 13.5
This value is being rounded 50.88
This value is being truncated 10.28
This value is being rounded 5.5
This value is being rounded 30.56
This value is being rounded 20.75
| weights|
|0 | 25.25 |
|1 | 25.76 |
|2 | 35.5 |
|3 | 13.5 |
|4 | 50.88 |
|5 | 10.28 |
|6 | 5.5 |
|7 | 30.56 |
|8 | 20.75 |
The current value is being truncated 25.25
| weights |
|0 | 25.2524%|
|1 | 25.7578%|
|2 | 35.5012%|
|3 | 13.5000%|
|4 | 50.8782%|
|5 | 10.2830%|
|6 | 5.5050%|
|7 | 30.5555%|
|8 | 20.7550%|
另一种方法是定义一个函数,将上述规则应用于通用数字,然后将其应用于列中的每个 权重。
import math
import pandas as pd
test_df = pd.DataFrame({'weights': ['25.2524%', '25.7578%', '35.5012%', '13.5000%',
"50.8782%", "10.2830%", "5.5050%", "30.5555%", "20.7550%"]})
def truncate_decimals(target_allocation, two_decimal_places) -> float:
decimal_exponent = 10.0 ** two_decimal_places
return math.trunc(decimal_exponent * target_allocation) / decimal_exponent
def rule(number, decimal_precision=2):
number = float(number.rstrip("%"))
if number > math.floor(number) + 0.5:
number = round(number, decimal_precision)
print("This value is being rounded", number)
elif number < math.ceil(number) - 0.5:
number = truncate_decimals(number, decimal_precision)
print("This value is being truncated", number)
print("This value does not meet one of the above conditions", round(number, decimal_precision))
return number
test_df['rounded'] = test_df.weights.apply(rule)
pandas .round()
函数 已经在一行中完成了所有这些工作。不要重新发明轮子。
>>> tdf['weights'].round(2)
0 25.25
1 25.76
2 35.50
3 13.50
4 50.88
5 10.28
6 5.50
7 30.56
8 20.76
- 如果您想消除尾随的“0”,例如'13.50',这只是字符串格式,参见
- (它在
中;使用 numpy 版本,因为它是矢量化的,所以你可以在整个系列中调用一次,不会做很多单独的、缓慢的 C 调用就像math.modf
import numpy as np
0 (0.2524000000000015, 25.0)
1 (0.7577999999999996, 25.0)
2 (0.5011999999999972, 35.0)
3 (0.5, 13.0)
4 (0.8781999999999996, 50.0)
5 (0.2829999999999995, 10.0)
6 (0.5049999999999999, 5.0)
7 (0.5554999999999986, 30.0)
8 (0.754999999999999, 20.0)
tdf["weights"] = tdf["weights"].str.rstrip("%").astype("float")