如何在设置路由的情况下添加 ```Context```?

How to add ```Context``` with routes set up?

我想在我的 App.js 中添加 searchContext 上下文,以便我的 NavbarResults 组件可以访问其中的变量。我将如何设置我的路线?我试着用它们添加 with 但那没有用。这是代码。

        // Where does <searchContext.Provider> go?
            <Route exact path='/' element={<Home />} />
            <Route path='/results'>
              <Route path='/results/:value' element={<Results />} />            
              {/*<Route path='/results/:value/:slot' element={<Slot />}*/}
            // Another route that has nothing to do with searchContext

编辑:添加了“// 与 searchContext 无关的另一条路线”


你好,这符合对上下文的一般理解Api, 现在你的文件夹结构是你的选择,但我会在这里非常简短

//on your context file searchContext.js
import {useState,createContext} from 'react';

export const SearchContext = createContext(null);
export const ContextProvider = props => {
  const [search,setSearch] = useState(null);

 return <SearchContext.Provider value = {{search,setSearch}}>

//now on your route.js
import { ContextProvider} from '../your/path/file';
        // Where does <searchContext.Provider> go?
            <Route exact path='/' element={<Home />} />
            <Route path='/results'>
              <Route path='/results/:value' element={<Results />} />            
              {/*<Route path='/results/:value/:slot' element={<Slot />}*/}
            // Another route that has nothing to do with searchContext