无法在 C++ 中找到三次方程的实根

Unable find real root for Cubic Equation in C++

我正在写一个C++程序求三次方程的实根x 〖ax〗^3+〖bx〗^2+ cx+d=0 where a≠0 and b=0.

不幸的是,我无法输出“测试用例 1 和 4”(ps。下面提供了示例输出 link)。 Perhaps 我的编码中有任何逻辑语法吗?如果有人能告诉我正确的方法,我将不胜感激。

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main (){
    int a , b, c , d;
    double x , y;
    double interval1, interval2;
    bool stop;

    b = 0;
    x = 0;
    stop = true;

    cin >> a; 
    cin >> c;
    cin >> d;  

    interval1 = a * pow(x , 3) + b * pow(x , 2) + c * x + d;

    if (interval1 < 0){
        interval2 = interval1 *-1;
        interval2 = interval1;
        interval1 = interval2 * -1;

    while (stop=true){
        x = interval1;
        y = a * pow(x , 3) + b * pow(x , 2) + c * x + d;

        if(y>0 && y<0.001){
            if (x<interval2) { 
                interval1 = x + 0.000001;
            stop = false;

    if (x==-0){
        x = 0;

        cout << "NOT VALID" << endl;
        std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << x;
    return 0;

The sample output Pseudocode for the program


  1. int a , b, c , d;改为double a , b, c , d;

  2. 将条件 while (stop=true) 更改为 while (stop==true)
