比较 vb.net 中的日期的过程似乎没有做任何事情

Procedure comparing dates in vb.net doesn't appear to do anything

几乎就是标题,我一直在学习 vb 我的计算机科学 A-level 和 运行 在这个练习中遇到了一些麻烦。我做了一个程序通过比较当前日期和到期日来影响发票的最终成本,但我输入的到期日似乎对最终成本没有任何影响。


Invoice Form


Write a program that processes invoices for a company selling a variety of products. Ask the user to enter the unit cost of the product, how many were sold and the date the invoice had to be paid by. A check box should be used to indicate if the product is VAT rated. When these details have been entered the user should click a button. This event should call two general procedures. The first should calculate and return the basic cost of the invoice, including VAT. The second should reduce the basic cost by 10% if the invoice has been paid on time. The final cost should be displayed by the Click event of the button.


Public Class Form1
    Dim invoice As Integer
    Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
        Dim unitCost As Integer = txtCost.Text 'Input cost of product in textbox
        Dim unitsSold As Integer = txtUnits.Text 'Input units sold in textbox
        Dim dueDate As Date = dtpDueDate.Value 'Input date in date and time picker
        Dim VATCheck As Boolean = chkVAT.Checked 'Input VAT rating in checkbox

        Call InvoiceProcess(unitCost, unitsSold, VATCheck)
        Call DueCheck(dueDate, invoice)
    End Sub
    Sub InvoiceProcess(ByRef price As Integer, ByRef units As Integer, ByRef VAT As Boolean)
        If VAT = True Then
            invoice = 1.2 * price * units
            invoice = price * units
        End If
    End Sub
    Sub DueCheck(ByRef dateDue As Date, ByVal invoice As Integer)
        Dim todayDate As Date = Today.Date 'Current date
        Dim overDue As Integer = DateTime.Compare(todayDate, dateDue.Date)
        If overDue <= 0 Then
            invoice = invoice * 0.9
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

问题说“这个事件应该调用两个通用过程。第一个应该计算和 return...” - 注意它说“return” - 这意味着它需要函数,而不是子函数。

修复后,发票值可以在参数中从一种方法传递到另一种方法,因此您可以从它所在的位置删除 Dim invoice As Integer,因为它当前的范围是整个 class,你可能不想要。

此外,invoice 应该是小数,而不是整数。