
Check if the string is number is decimal or integer without using contains comma or dot


string value ="1,537"; // Value contains comma as it uses a Swedish culture sv-SE
if (decimal.TryParse(value, out var eval)) // First check if it is a number
    bool isWholeNumber = Math.Floor(decimal.Parse(value)) == decimal.Parse(value);


As a work around I can check if the string contains ",". But I feel its not a better way as the culture can be changed by user at any time.


OneIDE Fiddle


The value 1,000 is integer True // This is wrong
The value 1,4500 is integer False
The value 1 is integer True

在你的情况下,我会使用 NumberStyles,使用 NumberStyles.Integer 可能会让你的输入确定为唯一的数字。

decimal.TryParse(value,NumberStyles.Integer,CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("sv-SE"), out var eval)

c# fiddle