客户访问功能 - 内联编辑 - 自定义记录

Customer Access feature - Inline Editing - Custom Record

我创建了一个包含 3 个字段(销售订单、自定义列表和日期)的自定义记录以显示在客户视图中。 我还创建了一个搜索,以便能够从搜索结果视图中编辑此记录。 当我在 Netsuite(员工访问)上时,我看到编辑切换按钮并且我能够从保存的搜索结果视图中进行编辑。 但是当我从客户端访问登录时,我无法更改搜索结果。事实上,搜索结果视图上的切换按钮 Edit Line 没有出现。 我想要的行为似乎只适用于员工访问。




Netsuite 客服回答我:

I have reviewed your concern and I've found out that we have an existing Enhancement for this behavior.

I have tried to replicate your concern in my test drive and I was able to verify that Inline Editing for Custom Records in Searches is currently not available - even if the role has Full permission to it.

This is unavailable as the customer center is still not completely customizable and the permissions of a customer is very limited. The said feature that you are looking for is still unavailable.

I will attach you case to the Enhancement, please see further details below.