
How to read out all subcategories in a nested foreach

我正在尝试添加嵌套的 foreach 循环,并希望在顶级猫的 table 行下显示与 to cat 相关的所有子猫,但不知道我该如何做要求



<div class="conatiner">
    <button class="accordion">Top Category Name </button>
    <div class="panel">
      <p>Sub Catorgies list under this top category</p>

      <div class="pag">
      <table class="table gap">
            <th>Flag No.</th>
          <?php if ($subcats): ?>
          <?php foreach ($subcats as $key => $row): ?>
            <tr >
            <td><?php echo $row->flag_no?></td>
            <td><?php echo $row->cat_name?></td>
            <label class="switch">
                <input type="checkbox">
                <span class="slider round"></span>

            <td class="action-cats">
              <a style="margin-right: 30px;  " href="<?= site_url('Products/delete_cat/' .$row->id);?>"><img src="<?php echo base_url('assets/images1/bin.png');?>" width="20px"> Delete </a>    
          <a href="<?= site_url('Products/edit_cat/' .$row->id);?>"><img src="<?php echo base_url('assets/images1/edit.png');?>" width="20px"> Edit </a>
                <a href="#demo<?php echo $row->id?>" data-toggle="collapse">+</a>
                   <?php foreach ($subt as  $row): ?>
      <?php if ($row->cat_id == $row->cat_id): ?>
                                  <td id="demo<?php echo $row->id?>" class="collapse"> <?php echo $row->sub_cat?></td>
                                  <td id="demo<?php echo $row->id?>" class="collapse"><a href="<?= site_url('Products/delete_sub_cat/' .$row->sub_id);?>"><img src="<?php echo base_url('assets/images1/bin.png');?>" width="20px"></a>
          <a href="<?= site_url('Products/edit_sub_cat/' .$row->sub_id);?>"><img src="<?php echo base_url('assets/images1/edit.png');?>" width="20px"></a></td>
                           <?php endif ?>  
      <?php continue;?>
               <?php endforeach ?>
            <?php endforeach ?>
              <?php endif;?>


        public function categories()
            $this->load->view('admin-new/categories.php', $data);


    function fetch_categories(){
      $this->db->join('categories', 'subcat.sub_id = categories.id ');
      $this->db->order_by('sflag_no', 'asc');
     $query =  $this->db->get();
      return $query->result();
      function fetch_sub_categories(){
      $this->db->join('categories', 'subcat.cat_id = categories.id ');
      $this->db->order_by('sflag_no', 'asc');
     $query =  $this->db->get();
      return $query->result();

您需要 table 结构如下:

<table border="2" bordercolor="green">
        <td>main cat 1
            <table border="2" bordercolor="blue" id="cat-id-1">
                <tr class="subRow">
                    <td>subcat 1 for table 1</td>
                <tr class="subRow">
                    <td>subcat 2 for table 1</td>
                <tr class="subRow">
                    <td>subcat 3 for table 1</td>
        <td><a herf="#" class="toggle" data-cat-id="1">+</a></td>
        <td>main cat 2
            <table border="2" bordercolor="blue" id="cat-id-2">
                <tr class="subRow">
                    <td>subcat 1 for table 2</td>
                <tr class="subRow">
                    <td>subcat 2 for table 1</td>
        <td><a herf="#" class="toggle" data-cat-id="2">+</a></td>

然后您可以使用 jQuery:

切换嵌套的 table
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {

        $('.toggle').on('click', function() {   
            // Get the id of the table that is going to toggle
            catId = $(this).data('cat-id');
            // Select the sub-table to toggle
            table = $('#cat-id-'+catId);

注意:您需要将嵌套的 table 的 id 设置为 cat-id-{ID OF MAIN CAT},将切换按钮的 data-cat-id 属性设置为 {ID OF MAIN CAT}

这是工作 fiddle:https://jsfiddle.net/5vp9a24r/2/


function getCategories() {

  $this->db->join('subcat', 'subcat.cat_id = categories.id ');
  $query =  $this->db->get();
  return $query->result();


更新: 嵌入 foreach 的示例。

<?php foreach ($categories as $categoryItem) : ?>
    <td>main cat 1
        <table id="cat-id-<?= $categoryItem->id; ?>">
            <?php foreach ($categoryItem->subCats as $subcatItem) : ?>
            <tr class="subRow">
                <td><?= $subcatItem->title ?></td>
            <?php endforeach; ?>
    <td><a herf="#" class="toggle" data-cat-id="<?= $categoryItem->id ?>">+</a></td>
<?php endforeach; ?>