Cisco Webex API 异常

Cisco Webex API Exception

我已成功使用其他几个 Webex API,但 "LstrecordaccessDetailHistory XML Request" 不起作用。

我从 XML 回复中收到此消息:

unable to instantiate com.webex.xmlapi.service.binding.history.lstrecordaccessDetailHistory; java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.webex.xmlapi.service.binding.history.lstrecordaccessDetailHistory

这是我的 XML 请求正文:

String strXML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\r\n";
        strXML += "<serv:message xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:serv=\"\">\r\n";
        strXML += "<header>";
        strXML += "<securityContext>";
        strXML += "<password>password</password>";
        strXML += "<siteName>siteName</siteName>";
        strXML += "<email>email</email>";
        strXML += "</securityContext>";
        strXML += "</header>";

        strXML += "<body>";
        strXML += "<bodyContent xsi:type=\"java:com.webex.service.binding.history.lstrecordaccessDetailHistory\">";
        strXML += "<recondID>recondID</recondID>";
        strXML += "<timeZoneID>timeZoneID</timeZoneID>";
        strXML += "<listControl>";
        strXML += "<startFrom>1</startFrom>";
        strXML += "<maximumNum>500</maximumNum>";
        strXML += "<listMethod>OR</listMethod>";
        strXML += "</listControl>";
        strXML += "</bodyContent>";
        strXML += "</body>";
        strXML += "</serv:message>";

这里是the documentation from Cisco


您的请求基于 is unfortunately out-of-date 的文档。您必须使用不同的 xsi:type:

The only supported xsi:type is the full path of


or a shortened path of


[...] As for the schema - You are correct, it is wrong for the list meeting usage command. I'll have the engineering team fix it in the next release.