如何从 C++ 中的列表中推送值和删除记录?
How to push values and delete a record from a list in C++?
我是 C++
中数据结构的新手,我遇到了一些无法修复的问题,我想使用 STL 列表 显示以下内容:
Input for data radius:
Radius 1: 20
Press [Y] for next input: Y
Radius 2: 12
Press [Y] for next input: N
List of Existing Records:
ID:1, Radius: 20, Volume: 33,514.67
ID:2, Radius: 12, Volume: 7,239.17
Total record: 2
Would you like to remove specific data [Press Y for Yes]: Y
Enter record ID: 1
List of Existing Records:
ID:2, Radius: 12, Volume: 7,239.17
Total record: 1
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
struct sphere {
int recordID;
double radius, volume;
double dataVolume(double r) {
double v = (4 * 3.14 * r * r * r) / 3.0;
return v;
void dataRadius(sphere* values) {
int i = 0;
char choice;
do {
cout << "Radius " <<i+1 <<": ";
cin >> values->radius;
values->volume = dataVolume(values->radius);
cout << "Press [Y] for next input: ";
cin >> choice;
} while (choice == 'Y');
Record.push_back(values); //why i cant push back the values to the list
void displayData(list<sphere>Record) {
cout << "List of Existing Records:" << endl;
list<int>::iterator i;
int count = 0;
for (auto i = Record.begin(); i != Record.end(); i++) {
cout << "ID: " << count + 1 << ", Radius: " << i->radius <<
", Volume: " << i->volume << endl;
count = count + 1;
cout << "Total record: " << count << endl;
void deleteData(list<sphere>Record) {
char cho;
cout << "Would you like to remove specific data [Press Y for Yes]: ";
cin >> cho;
if (cho == 'Y') {
int id;
cout << "Enter record ID: ";
cin >> id;
Record.erase(id); // why it shows error
int main() {
sphere values;
return 0;
你犯了一些错误。在删除元素时,不能只使用整数 index.U 必须使用列表类型的迭代器。然后你是 push_backing 记录列表中的球体元素,在所有选择之后只插入用户的最后选择。我也修好了。第三个错误是,你是 push_backing 指向球体 v 的指针,但从技术上讲,我们必须推送该指针的值。我也修好了。现在它工作正常。
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
struct sphere {
int recordID;
double radius, volume;
list<sphere>Record; //Fixed:- made this global
double dataVolume(double r) {
double v = (4 * 3.14 * r * r * r) / 3.0;
return v;
void dataRadius(sphere* values) {
int i = 0;
char choice;
do {
cout << "Radius " <<i+1 <<": ";
cin >> values->radius;
values->volume = dataVolume(values->radius);
Record.push_back(*values);//Fixed:- inserting value not address and get it inside scope so that all values are inserted.
cout << "Press [Y] for next input: ";
cin >> choice;
} while (choice == 'Y');
void displayData(list<sphere> &Record) {//Fixed:- passed as referemce
cout << "List of Existing Records:" << endl;
list<int>::iterator i;
int count = 0;
for (auto i = Record.begin(); i != Record.end(); i++) {
cout << "ID: " << count + 1 << ", Radius: " << i->radius <<
", Volume: " << i->volume << endl;
count = count + 1;
cout << "Total record: " << count << endl;
void deleteData(list<sphere> &Record) { //Fixed:- passed as reference
char cho;
list<sphere>::iterator itr1, itr2;
itr2 = Record.begin();
itr1 = Record.begin();
cout << "Would you like to remove specific data [Press Y for Yes]: ";
cin >> cho;
if (cho == 'Y') {
int id;
cout << "Enter record ID: ";
cin >> id;
advance(itr1, id-1);
Record.erase(itr1);//Fixed:- using iterator of same type as list to erase element
int main() {
sphere values;
return 0;
我是 C++
中数据结构的新手,我遇到了一些无法修复的问题,我想使用 STL 列表 显示以下内容:
Input for data radius:
Radius 1: 20
Press [Y] for next input: Y
Radius 2: 12
Press [Y] for next input: N
List of Existing Records:
ID:1, Radius: 20, Volume: 33,514.67
ID:2, Radius: 12, Volume: 7,239.17
Total record: 2
Would you like to remove specific data [Press Y for Yes]: Y
Enter record ID: 1
List of Existing Records:
ID:2, Radius: 12, Volume: 7,239.17
Total record: 1
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
struct sphere {
int recordID;
double radius, volume;
double dataVolume(double r) {
double v = (4 * 3.14 * r * r * r) / 3.0;
return v;
void dataRadius(sphere* values) {
int i = 0;
char choice;
do {
cout << "Radius " <<i+1 <<": ";
cin >> values->radius;
values->volume = dataVolume(values->radius);
cout << "Press [Y] for next input: ";
cin >> choice;
} while (choice == 'Y');
Record.push_back(values); //why i cant push back the values to the list
void displayData(list<sphere>Record) {
cout << "List of Existing Records:" << endl;
list<int>::iterator i;
int count = 0;
for (auto i = Record.begin(); i != Record.end(); i++) {
cout << "ID: " << count + 1 << ", Radius: " << i->radius <<
", Volume: " << i->volume << endl;
count = count + 1;
cout << "Total record: " << count << endl;
void deleteData(list<sphere>Record) {
char cho;
cout << "Would you like to remove specific data [Press Y for Yes]: ";
cin >> cho;
if (cho == 'Y') {
int id;
cout << "Enter record ID: ";
cin >> id;
Record.erase(id); // why it shows error
int main() {
sphere values;
return 0;
你犯了一些错误。在删除元素时,不能只使用整数 index.U 必须使用列表类型的迭代器。然后你是 push_backing 记录列表中的球体元素,在所有选择之后只插入用户的最后选择。我也修好了。第三个错误是,你是 push_backing 指向球体 v 的指针,但从技术上讲,我们必须推送该指针的值。我也修好了。现在它工作正常。
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
struct sphere {
int recordID;
double radius, volume;
list<sphere>Record; //Fixed:- made this global
double dataVolume(double r) {
double v = (4 * 3.14 * r * r * r) / 3.0;
return v;
void dataRadius(sphere* values) {
int i = 0;
char choice;
do {
cout << "Radius " <<i+1 <<": ";
cin >> values->radius;
values->volume = dataVolume(values->radius);
Record.push_back(*values);//Fixed:- inserting value not address and get it inside scope so that all values are inserted.
cout << "Press [Y] for next input: ";
cin >> choice;
} while (choice == 'Y');
void displayData(list<sphere> &Record) {//Fixed:- passed as referemce
cout << "List of Existing Records:" << endl;
list<int>::iterator i;
int count = 0;
for (auto i = Record.begin(); i != Record.end(); i++) {
cout << "ID: " << count + 1 << ", Radius: " << i->radius <<
", Volume: " << i->volume << endl;
count = count + 1;
cout << "Total record: " << count << endl;
void deleteData(list<sphere> &Record) { //Fixed:- passed as reference
char cho;
list<sphere>::iterator itr1, itr2;
itr2 = Record.begin();
itr1 = Record.begin();
cout << "Would you like to remove specific data [Press Y for Yes]: ";
cin >> cho;
if (cho == 'Y') {
int id;
cout << "Enter record ID: ";
cin >> id;
advance(itr1, id-1);
Record.erase(itr1);//Fixed:- using iterator of same type as list to erase element
int main() {
sphere values;
return 0;