
R code to show the actual continuous values stored in each bin?

举个简单的例子, 到 "bin" 1000(连续值)数据点 在 10 个箱子(类别)中, 每个 bin 中有 100 个数据点:

x <- rnorm(1000, mean=0, sd=50)

# Next, let's say we want to create ten bins 
# with equal number of observations (100), in each bin:
bins <- 10
cutpoints <- quantile(x,(0:bins)/bins)

# The cutpoints variable 
# holds a vector of the cutpoints used to bin the data.   

# Finally we perform the binning to form the categories variable:

 binned <- cut(x,cutpoints,include.lowest=TRUE)
   [-152,-61]     (-61,-40]   (-40,-23.9] 
          100           100           100 
(-23.9,-10.2]  (-10.2,2.86]   (2.86,15.4] 
          100           100           100 
  (15.4,25.9]   (25.9,44.1]   (44.1,64.7] 
          100           100           100 

如您所见, 最后的摘要代码给你 每个 bin 中的 x 值数量, (即:100 行值)。

如何显示 实际的 100 个 x 值 在每个 bin 内加上它的 x 行 #(或行名)??

什么是实际的 R 代码
获取 3 列数据框,(列:Bin、Rowname 和 Values) 结构是这样的?:

       Bin Rowname  Values
[-152,-61]  [25] -78.2  
            [28] -82.1  
            [75] -99.7 etc.....  

(-61,-40]    [18]-45.0  
             [26]-68.4 etc....  


您已经完成了所需的一切,除了将其包装成 data.frame

head(data.frame(Values=x, Bin=binned, Rowname=seq_along(x))[order(binned), ])
#       Values          Bin Rowname
# 2  -66.88718 [-189,-64.7]       2
# 5  -99.08521 [-189,-64.7]       5
# 8  -95.06063 [-189,-64.7]       8
# 10 -95.04592 [-189,-64.7]      10
# 15 -78.48819 [-189,-64.7]      15
# 28 -78.49396 [-189,-64.7]      28

虽然您不需要行名列,因为 data.frame 保留行名属性,即 rownames(yourData)