Echarts 5折线图点击更改颜色不起作用

Echarts 5 line graph click to change colour not working

我正在尝试使用 select.lineStyle.color 属性使折线图在单击鼠标时改变颜色。 我可以使用 select.itemStyle.color 在鼠标单击时触发点的颜色更改,我希望 select.lineStyle.color 属性可以更改图形的颜色,但是,尽管如此,它似乎不起作用文档说 select 应该适用于所有系列。


My code sandbox


In addition, we've added click to select to all series, an interaction that was previously only available in a few series such as pie charts and maps, allowing developers to set it to single or multiple selection mode, and to listen to the selectchanged event to get all the selected shapes for further processing. As with emphasis and blur, the selection style can also be configured in select.


通过在他们的 Github 页面上发布 issue 直接得到了我的答案。

显然,select 仅适用于数据对象,不适用于系列对象(或任何您称之为的对象)。所以这个功能不可用。

我所做的,和大多数人一样,是监听mouseclick事件并直接更新options中的series-line.lineStyle.opacity属性以模糊掉其他行。设置 triggerLineEvent:true 以便单击线条的任何部分都会触发 mouseclick 事件,而不仅仅是数据点。