Phirehose setTrack 不适用于 setLocation

Phirehose setTrack not working with setLocation

我正在使用 Phirehose 通过 Twitter Streaming 提取推文 API。我想提取带有特定关键字的地理标记推文,如下所示:

$sc->setLocations(array(array(-180,-90,180,90))); //any geotagged tweet

getKeywords class 函数如下所示:

public function getKeywords()
     $array = array('hurricane', 'flood', 'tornado','tsunami','earthquake');
     return $array; 

问题是 setLocation() 似乎导致 setTrack() 无法提取包含这些关键字的推文。如果我完全删除 setLocation()setTrack() 可以很好地提取关键字。有什么方法可以提取包含这些关键字的地理标记推文吗?

"The track, follow, and locations fields should be considered to be combined with an OR operator. track=foo&follow=1234 returns Tweets matching “foo” OR created by user 1234."


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