Outlook VBA 多附件电子邮件拆分为单个附件电子邮件

Outlook VBA multi-attachment email split into single attachment emails

我的目标:处理当前选定的邮件项目(活动资源管理器),我想创建与附件一样多的电子邮件副本,每个副本都有来自原始电子邮件的唯一附件。该电子邮件的接收日期(YYMMDD,例如 220219)和电子邮件包含的附件​​的文件名将成为其主题行,原始主题行添加到邮件正文的顶部。





修订版 1:

Sub AttSplit()
  'declare variables
  Dim olMsg As MailItem, olNewMsg As MailItem, olAtt As Attachment
  Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, olAttachs As Integer, olRDate As Long
  'olMsg is set as the currently selected message in the reading pane
  Set olMsg = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
  'then work out how many attachments there are in that email
  olAttachs = olMsg.Attachments.Count
  'and the received date of that email, converted to the date format I wanted
  olRDate = Format(olMsg.ReceivedTime, "yymmdd")
  'for each attachment (j)
  For j = olAttachs To 1 Step -1
    'create a copy of the original email in olNewMsg
    Set olNewMsg = olMsg.Copy
    'then loop through that copy's attachments
    For i = olAttachs To 1 Step -1
      'setting olAtt to which # attachment you are looking at
      Set olAtt = olNewMsg.Attachments(i)
      Select Case i
      'and where the attachment you created the copy of the email for (j)
      'is the attachment you are currently looking at in the copy
      Case j
        'manipulate the NewMsg body to include the original email subject
        olNewMsg.Body = "Original Email Subject: " & olMsg.Subject & vbLf & vbLf & olMsg.Body
        'and change the NewMsg subject to be the date and filename of the attachment
        olNewMsg.Subject = olRDate & " - " & olAtt.FileName
      Case Else
        'but if it isn't the attachment you created the copy of the email for
        'you delete that from the NewMsg
      End Select
    Next i
    'then save the current state of NewMsg with attachments being deleted etc
  'and move onto the next j, which at the beginning of the loop sets olNewMsg to be
  'a copy of the original again
  Next j
  'and once done, delete the original email if no longer needed.
End Sub


Sub AttSplit()
  Dim olMsg As MailItem, olAttachs As Long, i As Long, olAtt As Attachment, olNewMsg As MailItem, j As Long, olRDate As Date, olRY As String, olRM As String, olRD As String
  Set olMsg = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
  olAttachs = olMsg.Attachments.Count
  olRDate = olMsg.ReceivedTime
  olRY = Right(DatePart("yyyy", olRDate), 2)
  olRM = IIf(Len(DatePart("m", olRDate)) = 1, "0" & DatePart("m", olRDate), DatePart("m", olRDate))
  olRD = IIf(Len(DatePart("d", olRDate)) = 1, "0" & DatePart("d", olRDate), DatePart("d", olRDate))
  For j = olAttachs To 1 Step -1
    Set olNewMsg = olMsg.Copy
    For i = olAttachs To 1 Step -1
      Set olAtt = olNewMsg.Attachments(i)
      Select Case i
      Case j
        olNewMsg.Body = "Original Email Subject: " & olMsg.Subject & vbLf & vbLf & olMsg.Body
        olNewMsg.Subject = olRY & olRM & olRD & " - " & olAtt.FileName
      Case Else
      End Select
    Next i
    Set olNewMsg = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
  Next j
End Sub