从数组中删除 "NaN" 值时出现问题

Problem with removing "NaN" values from an array

我无法从数组 (SRprices) 中删除“NaN”值并且只保存数字。 (第 173 行) 我不知道我的代码是否有效,因为我无法像在第一个数组中那样在 table 中打印新数组。 (只检查最后一节)

我认为问题出在 array.size 但为什么呢?!我不知道 如果有人帮助我,我将不胜感激

Array values in table

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © MoriFX

indicator('Dynamic Sup/Res lines Indicator', overlay=true, precision=4)

/////////               Parameters Input
pivotVal = input.int(10, title='Period for Pivot Points', minval=10)
loopbkPeriod = input.int(284, title='Loopback Period', minval=100, maxval=500)
SRstrength = input.int(3, title='S/R strength', minval=1)
ChannelW = input.int(10, title='Channel Width %', minval=5)
label_location = input.int(10, title='Label Location +-', tooltip='0 means last bar. for example if you set it -5 then label is shown on last 5. bar. + means future bars')
linestyle = input.string('Dotted', title='Line Style', options=['Solid', 'Dotted', 'Dashed'])
LineColor = input(color.blue, title='Line Color')
drawhl = input(true, title='Draw Highest/Lowest Pivots in Period')
showpp = input(false, title='Show Point Points')

/////////               Pivot points 
ph = ta.pivothigh(pivotVal, pivotVal)
pl = ta.pivotlow(pivotVal, pivotVal)
plotshape(ph and showpp, text='PH', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.new(color.white, 100), textcolor=color.new(color.red, 0), location=location.abovebar, offset=-pivotVal)
plotshape(pl and showpp, text='PL', style=shape.labelup, color=color.new(color.white, 100), textcolor=color.new(color.lime, 0), location=location.belowbar, offset=-pivotVal)

/////////               Support / Ressitant levels
sr_levels = array.new_float(21, na)

loopbkPeriodhighest = ta.highest(loopbkPeriod)
loopbkPeriodlowest = ta.lowest(loopbkPeriod)
cwidth = (loopbkPeriodhighest - loopbkPeriodlowest) * ChannelW / 100

aas = array.new_bool(41, true)  //availability of the PPs
// last privot points have more priority to be support/resistance, so we start from them
// if we met new Pivot Point then we calculate all supports/resistances again
u1 = 0.0
u1 := nz(u1[1])
d1 = 0.0
d1 := nz(d1[1])
highestph = 0.0
lowestpl = 0.0
highestph := highestph[1]
lowestpl := lowestpl[1]
if ph or pl
    //old S/Rs not valid anymore
    for x = 0 to array.size(sr_levels) - 1 by 1
        array.set(sr_levels, x, na)

    highestph := loopbkPeriodlowest
    lowestpl := loopbkPeriodhighest
    countpp = 0  // keep position of the PP
    for x = 0 to loopbkPeriod by 1
        if na(close[x])
        if not na(ph[x]) or not na(pl[x])  // is it PP?
            highestph := math.max(highestph, nz(ph[x], loopbkPeriodlowest), nz(pl[x], loopbkPeriodlowest))
            lowestpl := math.min(lowestpl, nz(ph[x], loopbkPeriodhighest), nz(pl[x], loopbkPeriodhighest))
            countpp += 1
            if countpp > 40
            if array.get(aas, countpp)  // if PP is not used in a channel
                upl = (ph[x] ? high[x + pivotVal] : low[x + pivotVal]) + cwidth
                dnl = (ph[x] ? high[x + pivotVal] : low[x + pivotVal]) - cwidth
                u1 := countpp == 1 ? upl : u1
                d1 := countpp == 1 ? dnl : d1
                // to keep the PPs which will be in current channel
                tmp = array.new_bool(41, true)

                cnt = 0  // keep which pivot point we are on
                tpoint = 0  // number of PPs in the channel 
                for xx = 0 to loopbkPeriod by 1
                    if na(close[xx])
                    if not na(ph[xx]) or not na(pl[xx])
                        chg = false
                        cnt += 1
                        if cnt > 40
                        if array.get(aas, cnt)  // if PP not used in other channels
                            if not na(ph[xx])
                                if high[xx + pivotVal] <= upl and high[xx + pivotVal] >= dnl  // PP is in the channel?
                                    tpoint += 1
                                    chg := true

                            if not na(pl[xx])
                                if low[xx + pivotVal] <= upl and low[xx + pivotVal] >= dnl  // PP is in the channel?
                                    tpoint += 1
                                    chg := true
                        // set if PP is used in the channel
                        if chg and cnt < 41
                            array.set(tmp, cnt, false)

                if tpoint >= SRstrength  // met enough PP in the channel? mark the PP as used for a channel and set the SR level
                    for g = 0 to 40 by 1
                        if not array.get(tmp, g)
                            array.set(aas, g, false)

                    if ph[x] and countpp < 21
                        array.set(sr_levels, countpp, high[x + pivotVal])
                    if pl[x] and countpp < 21
                        array.set(sr_levels, countpp, low[x + pivotVal])

setline(level) =>
    LineStyle = linestyle == 'Solid' ? line.style_solid : linestyle == 'Dotted' ? line.style_dotted : line.style_dashed
    _ret = line.new(bar_index - 1, level, bar_index, level, color=LineColor, width=2, style=LineStyle, extend=extend.both)

if ph or pl
    var line highest_ = na
    var line lowest_ = na
    if drawhl  //////////       Highest PH/PL price line
        highest_ := line.new(bar_index - 1, highestph, bar_index, highestph, color=color.purple, style=line.style_dashed, width=1, extend=extend.both)
        lowest_ := line.new(bar_index - 1, lowestpl, bar_index, lowestpl, color=color.purple, style=line.style_dashed, width=1, extend=extend.both)

    var sr_lines = array.new_line(21, na)
    for x = 0 to array.size(sr_lines) - 1 by 1
        line.delete(array.get(sr_lines, x))
        if array.get(sr_levels, x)
            array.set(sr_lines, x, setline(array.get(sr_levels, x)))
// set new labels if changed
var sr_levs = array.new_float(21, na)
if ph or pl
    for x = 0 to array.size(sr_levs) - 1 by 1
        array.set(sr_levs, x, array.get(sr_levels, x))

/////////////////////            define and delete old labels
label hlabel = na
label llabel = na
var sr_labels = array.new_label(21, na)
bool resistance_broken = false
bool support_broken = false
float r_s_level = na

///////////////////                          set labels
for x = 0 to array.size(sr_labels) - 1 by 1
    label.delete(array.get(sr_labels, x))
    if array.get(sr_levs, x)
        if close[1] <= array.get(sr_levs, x) and close > array.get(sr_levs, x)
            resistance_broken := true
            r_s_level := array.get(sr_levs, x)
        if close[1] >= array.get(sr_levs, x) and close < array.get(sr_levs, x)
            support_broken := true
            r_s_level := array.get(sr_levs, x)
        lab_loc = close >= array.get(sr_levs, x) ? label.style_label_up : label.style_label_down
        array.set(sr_labels, x, label.new(x=bar_index + label_location, y=array.get(sr_levs, x), text=str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(array.get(sr_levs, x))), color=color.lime, textcolor=color.black, style=lab_loc))

hlabel := drawhl ? label.new(x=bar_index + label_location + math.round(math.sign(label_location)) * 20, y=highestph, text='Highest PH : ' + str.tostring(highestph), color=color.silver, textcolor=color.black, style=label.style_label_down) : na
llabel := drawhl ? label.new(x=bar_index + label_location + math.round(math.sign(label_location)) * 20, y=lowestpl, text='Lowest PL : ' + str.tostring(lowestpl), color=color.silver, textcolor=color.black, style=label.style_label_up) : na

////////////////   table for printing S/R Levels

var table SRlevs = table.new(position.top_right, columns = 1, rows = array.size(sr_levs),
 bgcolor = color.rgb(210,210,210),  border_width = 2, border_color = color.white, frame_color = color.black, frame_width = 2)

for xii = 0 to array.size(sr_levs) - 1
    table.cell(table_id = SRlevs, column = 0, row = xii , text_size=size.small, 
     text =str.tostring(array.get(sr_levs, xii)))

SRprices = array.new_float(array.size(sr_levs))
for xi = 0 to array.size(sr_levs) - 1 
    array.set(SRprices, xi, array.get(sr_levs, xi))

for k = 0 to array.size(sr_levs) - 1
    if  (na(array.get(SRprices, k)))
        array.remove(SRprices, k)

///     code for printing new array in table which not work!!
// var table SRtable = table.new(position.top_right, columns = 1, rows = array.size(SRprices),
//  bgcolor = color.rgb(210,210,210),  border_width = 2, border_color = color.white, frame_color = color.black, frame_width = 2)

// for xii = 0 to array.size(SRprices) - 1
//     table.cell(table_id = SRtable, column = 0, row = xii , text_size=size.small, 
//      text =str.tostring(array.get(SRprices, xii)))

您可以只使用 array.copy() 而不是循环来复制您的数组。


您有一个声明为 table 的变量,它使用 SRprices 的数组大小作为行数。在第一根柱上,这可能为零,因此在后续柱上,当有更多值时,它不会被修改。要么将大小设置为所需的最大值,要么使用您声明的大小(21)的 array.size(sr_levs)

////////////////   table for printing S/R Levels

var table SRlevs = table.new(position.top_right, columns = 1, rows = array.size(sr_levs),
 bgcolor = color.rgb(210,210,210),  border_width = 2, border_color = color.white, frame_color = color.black, frame_width = 2)

for xii = 0 to array.size(sr_levs) - 1
    table.cell(table_id = SRlevs, column = 0, row = xii , text_size=size.small, 
     text =str.tostring(array.get(sr_levs, xii)))

SRprices = array.copy(sr_levs)

for k = array.size(SRprices) -1 to 0
    if  (na(array.get(SRprices, k)))
        array.remove(SRprices, k)

var table SRtable = table.new(position.bottom_right, columns = 1, rows = array.size(sr_levs),
     bgcolor = color.rgb(210,210,210),  border_width = 2, border_color = color.white, frame_color = color.black, frame_width = 2)

table.clear(SRtable, 0, 0, 0, 20)
if array.size(SRprices) > 0
    for xii = 0 to array.size(SRprices) - 1
        table.cell(table_id = SRtable, column = 0, row = xii , text_size=size.small, 
         text =str.tostring(array.get(SRprices, xii)))