deleting files and folders in a specified directory
# purge backups older than 210 days
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find::Rule;
use File::Path 'rmtree'; # listed directory has files and folders
# to delete files and folders in the specified directory age > 210 days
my $dir = '/volume1/Backup01/*/Archived_files/';
my $days = 210;
# Do i need to input something like @folder = File::Path *** ??
my @files = File::Find::Rule->file()
->maxdepth(1) # maxdepth(0) will allow me to delete files in subdirectories as well?
# How can I make a for loop to look for folders whose -M > 210 and allow me to delete?
for my $file (@files){
if (-M $file > 210){
unlink $file or warn $!;
包含我需要的评论...后台正在清除 NAS 服务器中的旧文件,目前完全不知道如何安全地清除几千个文件和文件夹 >.<
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
use File::Find::Rule;
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
my $dir = shift // $RealBin; # start from this directory
my @old_entries = File::Find::Rule -> new
-> exec( sub { -M $_[2] > 210 } )
-> in($dir);
say for @old_entries;
这会递归地找到所有早于 210 天的条目(文件和目录)。
现在浏览列表并删除。可以再次使用 -X filetests (-d
) 来识别目录,最好先删除 non-directories 然后再删除(现在是空的)目录。或者按预期使用 rmtree
if ($old_entries[0] eq $dir) {
say "Remove from this list the top-level dir itself, $old_entries[0]";
shift @old_entries;
my $del_dir;
for my $entry (@old_entries) {
if (-d $entry) {
$del_dir = $entry;
say "remove $entry"; # rmtree
# Skip files other than the ones at the top level
elsif ($del_dir and $entry =~ /^$del_dir/) {
say "\tskip $entry"; # its directory is removed
else {
say "Remove top-level file: $entry"; # unlink
注意 -- 这还没有完全测试
注意 -- 确保不要删除您开始搜索的top-level目录!
为什么要使用 Perl 来完成如此简单的任务?
您可以使用简单的 UNIX find
find ./ -mtime +210 -delete
如果这不起作用(某些 find
版本没有 -delete
find ./ -mtime +210 -exec rm -rf {} \;
如果您不想进入子目录,可以使用 maxdepth
find ./ -maxdepth 1 -mtime +210 -delete
find ./ -type f -mtime +210 -delete
# purge backups older than 210 days
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find::Rule;
use File::Path 'rmtree'; # listed directory has files and folders
# to delete files and folders in the specified directory age > 210 days
my $dir = '/volume1/Backup01/*/Archived_files/';
my $days = 210;
# Do i need to input something like @folder = File::Path *** ??
my @files = File::Find::Rule->file()
->maxdepth(1) # maxdepth(0) will allow me to delete files in subdirectories as well?
# How can I make a for loop to look for folders whose -M > 210 and allow me to delete?
for my $file (@files){
if (-M $file > 210){
unlink $file or warn $!;
包含我需要的评论...后台正在清除 NAS 服务器中的旧文件,目前完全不知道如何安全地清除几千个文件和文件夹 >.<
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
use File::Find::Rule;
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
my $dir = shift // $RealBin; # start from this directory
my @old_entries = File::Find::Rule -> new
-> exec( sub { -M $_[2] > 210 } )
-> in($dir);
say for @old_entries;
这会递归地找到所有早于 210 天的条目(文件和目录)。
现在浏览列表并删除。可以再次使用 -X filetests (-d
) 来识别目录,最好先删除 non-directories 然后再删除(现在是空的)目录。或者按预期使用 rmtree
if ($old_entries[0] eq $dir) {
say "Remove from this list the top-level dir itself, $old_entries[0]";
shift @old_entries;
my $del_dir;
for my $entry (@old_entries) {
if (-d $entry) {
$del_dir = $entry;
say "remove $entry"; # rmtree
# Skip files other than the ones at the top level
elsif ($del_dir and $entry =~ /^$del_dir/) {
say "\tskip $entry"; # its directory is removed
else {
say "Remove top-level file: $entry"; # unlink
注意 -- 这还没有完全测试
注意 -- 确保不要删除您开始搜索的top-level目录!
为什么要使用 Perl 来完成如此简单的任务?
您可以使用简单的 UNIX find
find ./ -mtime +210 -delete
如果这不起作用(某些 find
版本没有 -delete
find ./ -mtime +210 -exec rm -rf {} \;
如果您不想进入子目录,可以使用 maxdepth
find ./ -maxdepth 1 -mtime +210 -delete
find ./ -type f -mtime +210 -delete