从笔尖内部重新加载 tableView 的正确方法是什么?

What is the correct way to reload a tableView from inside a nib?

我有一个显示自定义单元格的表格视图。 单元格内有一个按钮。


我试过了,但我在 vc.reloadData() 得到了 Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while implicitly unwrapping an Optional value

  @IBAction func acceptRequestPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
        DatabaseManager.shared.AnswerFriendRequest(emailFriend: friendNameLabel.text!, answer: true) { success in
            if success {
                let vc = FriendRequestViewController()
            }else {
                print ("error at answer")


let vc = FriendRequestViewController()



  1. 您可以在具有 table 视图的 class 中完成数据调用后关闭。 例如:

    // 自定义 Table 单元格 Class class自定义单元格Class:UITable视图单元格{

     let button = UIButton()
     // All other UI set up
     // Create a closure that your tableView class can use to set the logic for reloading the tableView
     public let buttonCompletion: () -> ()
     @IBAction func acceptRequestPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
         DatabaseManager.shared.AnswerFriendRequest(emailFriend: friendNameLabel.text!, answer: true) { [weak self] success in
             if success {
                 // Whatever logic is provided in cellForRow will be executed here. That is, tableView.reloadData() 
             }else {
                 print ("error at answer")


// Class 有 table 视图:

class SomeViewController: UIViewController {

    private let tableView = UITableView()
    // All other set up, delegate, data source
    func cellForRow(..) {
       let cell = tableView.dequeueTableViewCell(for: "Cell") as! CustomCellClass
        cell.buttonCompletion = {[weak self] in