如何只删除不是数字的字符串的第一个字符? (MFC, C++)

How do I remove only the first character of a string that is not a digit? (MFC, C++)

我只想删除字符串中不是数字的第一个字符。第一个字符可以是从“A”到“Z”的任何字符,也可以是特殊字符,如“&”或“#”。此遗留代码是用 MFC 编写的。我查看了 CString class 但无法弄清楚如何使它起作用。

我的字符串可能类似于以下任何一种: J22008943452GF 或 22008943452GF 或 K33423333333IF 或 23000526987IF 或 #12000895236GF。你现在明白了。

我的困境是我需要删除所有字符串第一个位置的字符,但不是以数字开头的字符串。对于以数字开头的字符串,我需要保留它们。此外,不应更改字符串中其他字符的 none。例如,不应更改字符串后面部分的“G”、“I”或“F”。字符串的长度将始终为 13 或 14 位数字。


CString GAbsMeterCalibration::TrimMeterSNString (CString meterSN)
   CString TrimmedMeterSNString = meterSN;
   int strlength = strlen(TrimmedMeterSNString);

    if (strlength == 13)
         // Check the first character anyway, even though it’s
         //  probably okay.  If it is a digit, life’s good.
         //  Return unaltered TrimmedMeterSNString;

    if (strlength == 14)) 
           //Check the first character, it’s probably going
           //  to be wrong and is a character, not a digit.  

           // if I find a char in the first postion of the
           //    string, delete it and shift everything to the 
           //    left.  Make this my new TrimmedMeterSNString
           //  return altered TrimmedMeterSNString;


根据我的调查,我发现 MFC 没有正则表达式 class。它也没有子字符串方法。


CString GAbsMeterCalibration::TrimMeterSNString (CString meterSN)
   CString TrimmedMeterSNString = meterSN;
   int strlength = strlen(TrimmedMeterSNString);

    if (std::isdigit(TrimmedMeterSNString.GetAt(0)) )
         // Check the first character anyway, even though it’s
         //  probably okay.  If it is a digit, life’s good.
         //  Return unaltered TrimmedMeterSNString;


CString GAbsMeterCalibration::TrimMeterSNString(CString meterSN)

    int length = meterSN.GetLength();

    // just check the first character is always a digit else remove it
    if (length > 0 && unsigned(meterSN[0] - TCHAR('0')) > unsigned('9'))
        return meterSN.Right(length - 1);

    return meterSN;

我没有使用函数 isdigit 而不是使用 unsigned 的条件技巧,因为 CString 使用的 TCHAR 可以是 charwchar_t.

CString test="12355adaddfca";
//48 and 57 are ascii values of 0&9, hence this is a digit
//do your stuff
 //CString::GetBuffer may help here??
//it is not a digit, do your stuff




CString str = _T("#12000895236GF");
//  check string to see if it starts with digit.
CString result = str.SpanIncluding(_T("0123456789"));
//  if result is empty, string does not start with a number
//  and we can remove the first character.  Otherwise, string
//  remains intact.
if (result.IsEmpty())
    str = str.Mid(1);



CString GAbsMeterCalibration::TrimMeterSNString(CString meterSN) {
    return _istdigit(meterSN.GetAt(0)) ? meterSN :

可以使用 _istdigit. This is required since you are using CString, which stores either MBCS or Unicode character strings. The desired substring is extracted using CStringT::Mid.

为 ANSI 和 Unicode 项目设置编译实现

(请注意,CString 是特定 CStringT 模板实例化的类型定义,具体取决于您的项目设置。)