使用 Networkx 从图演算处理字典生成器
Handling dictionary generator from graph calculus with Networkx
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
user_network_G = user_trust_cardinality_network.subgraph([30,40,71,145,638,783,893])
nan_edge = [(u, v) for (u, v, d) in user_network_G.edges(data=True) if math.isnan(d["Trust"])]
real_edge = [(u, v) for (u, v, d) in user_network_G.edges(data=True) if math.isnan(d["Trust"]) == False]
pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(user_network_G)
# nodes
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(user_network_G, pos, node_size=700)
# edges
nx.draw_networkx_edges(user_network_G, pos, edgelist = real_edge, width=2)
nx.draw_networkx_edges(user_network_G, pos, edgelist = nan_edge, width=2, style="dashed")
# labels
nx.draw_networkx_labels(user_network_G, pos, font_size=12, font_family="sans-serif")
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(user_network_G, pos, edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(user_network_G,'Trust') , font_size=10, font_family='sans-serif', label_pos = 0.6)
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(user_network_G, pos, edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(user_network_G,'Intersection') , font_size=10, font_family='sans-serif', label_pos = 0.4)
- 边上的整数是两个用户(节点)之间共有的产品集合的基数
- 边上的小数点是两个节点(即两个用户)之间的真值分数
现在我想计算两个节点之间(例如节点 30 和节点 40 之间)不存在边的边值。
user_trust_cardinality_network = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(user_local_trust_computation(normalized_user_rating_matrix)[1].reset_index(level = ['User_U','User_V']), 'User_U', 'User_V', ['Trust', 'Intersection', 'Pondered_Trust'])
#Creation of the graph from a table containing for each existing paire of nodes the Trust Score, the Cardinality and the Pondered_Trust_Score
#Remove selfloop edges
edges_to_predict = [(u, v) for (u, v, d) in user_trust_cardinality_network.edges(data=True) if math.isnan(d["Trust"]) == True]
#Storing the set of edges to predict (edges where trust is NaN)
edges_to_predict_sub = [(u, v) for (u, v, d) in user_trust_cardinality_network.subgraph([30,40,71,145,638,783,893]).edges(data=True) if math.isnan(d["Trust"]) == True]
#Edges to predict on my subgraph (for quick example computation)
user_trust_cardinality_network.remove_edges_from([(u, v) for (u, v, d) in user_trust_cardinality_network.edges(data=True) if math.isnan(d["Trust"]) == True])
#Remove edges to predict, to add them after with the newly computed score
def short_path_trust (graph, edges_to_predict,cutoff) :
short_path_trust_dict = {}
for (u,v) in edges_to_predict :
for edges_path in nx.all_simple_edge_paths(graph, u, v, cutoff):
pondered_trust = [d['Pondered_Trust'] for (x,y,d) in graph.edges.data() if (x,y) in edges_path or (y,x) in edges_path]
intersection = [d['Intersection'] for (x,y,d) in graph.edges.data() if (x,y) in edges_path or (y,x) in edges_path]
short_path_trust_dict = {'Path%s' % [u,v] : sum(pondered_trust)/sum(intersection)}
给我这个 :
short_path_trust(user_trust_cardinality_network.subgraph([30,40,71,145,638,783,893]), edges_to_predict_sub, 2)
{'Path[40, 30]': 0.08499999999999999}
{'Path[40, 30]': 0.16333333333333333}
{'Path[40, 638]': 0.07833333333333332}
{'Path[40, 638]': 0.10333333333333333}
{'Path[40, 638]': 0.1572}
{'Path[145, 30]': 0.075}
{'Path[145, 30]': 0.05444444444444444}
{'Path[30, 638]': 0.017499999999999998}
{'Path[30, 638]': 0.01}
{'Path[30, 893]': 0.16555555555555557}
{'Path[30, 893]': 0.19486486486486487}
{'Path[893, 638]': 0.1581578947368421}
{'Path[893, 638]': 0.062}
{'Path[893, 638]': 0.19}
def short_path_trust (graph, edges_to_predict,cutoff) :
short_path_trust_dict = {}
for (u,v) in edges_to_predict :
for edges_path in nx.all_simple_edge_paths(graph, u, v, cutoff):
pondered_trust = [d['Pondered_Trust'] for (x,y,d) in graph.edges.data() if (x,y) in edges_path or (y,x) in edges_path]
intersection = [d['Intersection'] for (x,y,d) in graph.edges.data() if (x,y) in edges_path or (y,x) in edges_path]
short_path_trust_dict = {'Path%s' % [u,v] : sum(pondered_trust)/sum(intersection)}
Return :
short_path_trust(user_trust_cardinality_network.subgraph([30,40,71,145,638,783,893]), edges_to_predict_sub, 2)
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
def short_path_trust (graph, edges_to_predict,cutoff) :
short_path_trust_dict = []
for (u,v) in edges_to_predict :
for edges_path in nx.all_simple_edge_paths(graph, u, v, cutoff):
pondered_trust = [d['Pondered_Trust'] for (x,y,d) in graph.edges.data() if (x,y) in edges_path or (y,x) in edges_path]
intersection = [d['Intersection'] for (x,y,d) in graph.edges.data() if (x,y) in edges_path or (y,x) in edges_path]
short_path_trust = [((u,v), sum(pondered_trust)/sum(intersection))]
short_path_trust_df = pd.DataFrame(short_path_trust, columns= ['Nodes','Path_Trust'])
short_path_trust(user_trust_cardinality_network.subgraph([30,40,71,145,638,783,893]), edges_to_predict_sub, 2)
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (40, 30) 0.085
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (40, 30) 0.163333
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (40, 638) 0.078333
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (40, 638) 0.103333
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (40, 638) 0.1572
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (145, 30) 0.075
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (145, 30) 0.054444
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (30, 638) 0.0175
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (30, 638) 0.01
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (30, 893) 0.165556
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (30, 893) 0.194865
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (893, 638) 0.158158
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (893, 638) 0.062
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (893, 638) 0.19
然而,我的目标是得到一个像这样的 DataFrame :
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (40, 30) 0.085
1 (40, 30) 0.163333
2 (40, 638) 0.078333
3 (40, 638) 0.103333
4 (40, 638) 0.1572
5 (145, 30) 0.075
6 (145, 30) 0.054444
7 (30, 638) 0.0175
8 (30, 638) 0.01
9 (30, 893) 0.165556
10 (30, 893) 0.194865
11 (893, 638) 0.158158
12 (893, 638) 0.062
13 (893, 638) 0.19
Node1 Node 2 Trust
0 40 30 0.085
1 40 30 0.163333
2 40 638 0.078333
3 40 638 0.103333
4 40 638 0.1572
5 145 30 0.075
6 145 30 0.054444
7 30 638 0.0175
8 30 638 0.01
9 30 893 0.165556
10 30 893 0.194865
11 893 638 0.158158
12 893 638 0.062
13 893 638 0.19
即使您修复了该问题,您也会 运行 在比较相同节点时遇到具有重复键的问题。
def short_path_trust (graph, edges_to_predict,cutoff) :
short_path_trust_list = []
for (u,v) in edges_to_predict :
for edges_path in nx.all_simple_edge_paths(graph, u, v, cutoff):
pondered_trust = [d['Pondered_Trust'] for (x,y,d) in graph.edges.data() if (x,y) in edges_path or (y,x) in edges_path]
intersection = [d['Intersection'] for (x,y,d) in graph.edges.data() if (x,y) in edges_path or (y,x) in edges_path]
short_path_trust_list.append([u,v, sum(pondered_trust)/sum(intersection)])
return pd.DataFrame(short_path_trust_list, columns=['node1', 'node2', 'trust'])
一般来说,虽然你的 post 非常详细,但我无法重现你的问题,因为你没有定义从中提取子图的图。
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
user_network_G = user_trust_cardinality_network.subgraph([30,40,71,145,638,783,893])
nan_edge = [(u, v) for (u, v, d) in user_network_G.edges(data=True) if math.isnan(d["Trust"])]
real_edge = [(u, v) for (u, v, d) in user_network_G.edges(data=True) if math.isnan(d["Trust"]) == False]
pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(user_network_G)
# nodes
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(user_network_G, pos, node_size=700)
# edges
nx.draw_networkx_edges(user_network_G, pos, edgelist = real_edge, width=2)
nx.draw_networkx_edges(user_network_G, pos, edgelist = nan_edge, width=2, style="dashed")
# labels
nx.draw_networkx_labels(user_network_G, pos, font_size=12, font_family="sans-serif")
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(user_network_G, pos, edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(user_network_G,'Trust') , font_size=10, font_family='sans-serif', label_pos = 0.6)
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(user_network_G, pos, edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(user_network_G,'Intersection') , font_size=10, font_family='sans-serif', label_pos = 0.4)
- 边上的整数是两个用户(节点)之间共有的产品集合的基数
- 边上的小数点是两个节点(即两个用户)之间的真值分数
现在我想计算两个节点之间(例如节点 30 和节点 40 之间)不存在边的边值。
user_trust_cardinality_network = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(user_local_trust_computation(normalized_user_rating_matrix)[1].reset_index(level = ['User_U','User_V']), 'User_U', 'User_V', ['Trust', 'Intersection', 'Pondered_Trust'])
#Creation of the graph from a table containing for each existing paire of nodes the Trust Score, the Cardinality and the Pondered_Trust_Score
#Remove selfloop edges
edges_to_predict = [(u, v) for (u, v, d) in user_trust_cardinality_network.edges(data=True) if math.isnan(d["Trust"]) == True]
#Storing the set of edges to predict (edges where trust is NaN)
edges_to_predict_sub = [(u, v) for (u, v, d) in user_trust_cardinality_network.subgraph([30,40,71,145,638,783,893]).edges(data=True) if math.isnan(d["Trust"]) == True]
#Edges to predict on my subgraph (for quick example computation)
user_trust_cardinality_network.remove_edges_from([(u, v) for (u, v, d) in user_trust_cardinality_network.edges(data=True) if math.isnan(d["Trust"]) == True])
#Remove edges to predict, to add them after with the newly computed score
def short_path_trust (graph, edges_to_predict,cutoff) :
short_path_trust_dict = {}
for (u,v) in edges_to_predict :
for edges_path in nx.all_simple_edge_paths(graph, u, v, cutoff):
pondered_trust = [d['Pondered_Trust'] for (x,y,d) in graph.edges.data() if (x,y) in edges_path or (y,x) in edges_path]
intersection = [d['Intersection'] for (x,y,d) in graph.edges.data() if (x,y) in edges_path or (y,x) in edges_path]
short_path_trust_dict = {'Path%s' % [u,v] : sum(pondered_trust)/sum(intersection)}
给我这个 :
short_path_trust(user_trust_cardinality_network.subgraph([30,40,71,145,638,783,893]), edges_to_predict_sub, 2)
{'Path[40, 30]': 0.08499999999999999}
{'Path[40, 30]': 0.16333333333333333}
{'Path[40, 638]': 0.07833333333333332}
{'Path[40, 638]': 0.10333333333333333}
{'Path[40, 638]': 0.1572}
{'Path[145, 30]': 0.075}
{'Path[145, 30]': 0.05444444444444444}
{'Path[30, 638]': 0.017499999999999998}
{'Path[30, 638]': 0.01}
{'Path[30, 893]': 0.16555555555555557}
{'Path[30, 893]': 0.19486486486486487}
{'Path[893, 638]': 0.1581578947368421}
{'Path[893, 638]': 0.062}
{'Path[893, 638]': 0.19}
def short_path_trust (graph, edges_to_predict,cutoff) :
short_path_trust_dict = {}
for (u,v) in edges_to_predict :
for edges_path in nx.all_simple_edge_paths(graph, u, v, cutoff):
pondered_trust = [d['Pondered_Trust'] for (x,y,d) in graph.edges.data() if (x,y) in edges_path or (y,x) in edges_path]
intersection = [d['Intersection'] for (x,y,d) in graph.edges.data() if (x,y) in edges_path or (y,x) in edges_path]
short_path_trust_dict = {'Path%s' % [u,v] : sum(pondered_trust)/sum(intersection)}
Return :
short_path_trust(user_trust_cardinality_network.subgraph([30,40,71,145,638,783,893]), edges_to_predict_sub, 2)
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'dict'>
def short_path_trust (graph, edges_to_predict,cutoff) :
short_path_trust_dict = []
for (u,v) in edges_to_predict :
for edges_path in nx.all_simple_edge_paths(graph, u, v, cutoff):
pondered_trust = [d['Pondered_Trust'] for (x,y,d) in graph.edges.data() if (x,y) in edges_path or (y,x) in edges_path]
intersection = [d['Intersection'] for (x,y,d) in graph.edges.data() if (x,y) in edges_path or (y,x) in edges_path]
short_path_trust = [((u,v), sum(pondered_trust)/sum(intersection))]
short_path_trust_df = pd.DataFrame(short_path_trust, columns= ['Nodes','Path_Trust'])
short_path_trust(user_trust_cardinality_network.subgraph([30,40,71,145,638,783,893]), edges_to_predict_sub, 2)
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (40, 30) 0.085
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (40, 30) 0.163333
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (40, 638) 0.078333
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (40, 638) 0.103333
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (40, 638) 0.1572
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (145, 30) 0.075
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (145, 30) 0.054444
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (30, 638) 0.0175
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (30, 638) 0.01
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (30, 893) 0.165556
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (30, 893) 0.194865
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (893, 638) 0.158158
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (893, 638) 0.062
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (893, 638) 0.19
然而,我的目标是得到一个像这样的 DataFrame :
Nodes Path_Trust
0 (40, 30) 0.085
1 (40, 30) 0.163333
2 (40, 638) 0.078333
3 (40, 638) 0.103333
4 (40, 638) 0.1572
5 (145, 30) 0.075
6 (145, 30) 0.054444
7 (30, 638) 0.0175
8 (30, 638) 0.01
9 (30, 893) 0.165556
10 (30, 893) 0.194865
11 (893, 638) 0.158158
12 (893, 638) 0.062
13 (893, 638) 0.19
Node1 Node 2 Trust
0 40 30 0.085
1 40 30 0.163333
2 40 638 0.078333
3 40 638 0.103333
4 40 638 0.1572
5 145 30 0.075
6 145 30 0.054444
7 30 638 0.0175
8 30 638 0.01
9 30 893 0.165556
10 30 893 0.194865
11 893 638 0.158158
12 893 638 0.062
13 893 638 0.19
我希望我很好地解释了我的问题。 如果您需要更多信息,我会尽力提供。 感谢您的帮助:)
在您的代码中,您为每个节点对创建了一个与旧字典同名的新字典,因此您正在覆盖您的数据。 即使您修复了该问题,您也会 运行 在比较相同节点时遇到具有重复键的问题。
def short_path_trust (graph, edges_to_predict,cutoff) :
short_path_trust_list = []
for (u,v) in edges_to_predict :
for edges_path in nx.all_simple_edge_paths(graph, u, v, cutoff):
pondered_trust = [d['Pondered_Trust'] for (x,y,d) in graph.edges.data() if (x,y) in edges_path or (y,x) in edges_path]
intersection = [d['Intersection'] for (x,y,d) in graph.edges.data() if (x,y) in edges_path or (y,x) in edges_path]
short_path_trust_list.append([u,v, sum(pondered_trust)/sum(intersection)])
return pd.DataFrame(short_path_trust_list, columns=['node1', 'node2', 'trust'])
一般来说,虽然你的 post 非常详细,但我无法重现你的问题,因为你没有定义从中提取子图的图。