Pygsheets:无法使用 Google 服务帐户将超过 200 个文件上传到云端硬盘。得到 403 错误

Pygsheets: cannot upload more than 200-ish files to Drive with Google Service Account. Get 403 Error

我正在使用 pygsheets 来处理 Google 电子表格和云端硬盘。我需要上传超过10000个文件到公司Drive,但是每次我使用服务账户时,我在上传200个文件后就报错。报错如下:

 "error": {
  "errors": [
    "domain": "usageLimits",
    "reason": "dailyLimitExceededUnreg",
    "message": "Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup.",
    "extendedHelp": ""
  "code": 403,
  "message": "Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup."

我检查了我的云控制台。我不会在任何给定时间内过度使用对请求数量的限制。我在每个请求之间等待 10 秒。


def upload_cluster(sheets, cluster_array):
    max_global = 0
    max_local = 0
    max_traffic = 0
    sum_global = 0
    sum_local = 0
    sum_traffic = 0
    keywords = len(cluster_array)
    cluster_name = ''
    for elem in cluster_array:
        if elem.get('Global volume') >= max_global:
            cluster_name = elem.get('Keyword')
            max_global = elem.get('Global volume')
        if elem.get('Volume') > max_local:
            max_local = elem.get('Volume')
        if elem.get('Traffic potential') > max_traffic:
            max_traffic = elem.get('Traffic potential')
        sum_global += elem.get('Global volume')
        sum_local += elem.get('Volume')
        sum_traffic += elem.get('Traffic potential')
    book = sheets.create(title=re.sub('\"', '', cluster_name), folder='FOLDER_ID')
    link = f'HYPERLINK(\"{}\",\"{cluster_name}\")'
    dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(cluster_array)
    out_sheet = book.worksheet(property='index', value=0)
    out_sheet.set_dataframe(df=dataframe, start='A1', extend=True, copy_head=True, copy_index=False)
    cluster_summary = {
        'Cluster': link,
        'Volume': sum_local,
        'Global volume': sum_global,
        'Traffic potential': sum_traffic,
        'Max volume': max_local,
        'Max global volume': max_global,
        'Max traffic potential': max_traffic,
        'Queries': keywords
    return cluster_summary

def main():
    gsheets = pygsheets.authorize(service_account_file='service-account.json')
    for i in range(len(output_keywords) - 1):
        if not output_keywords[i].get('Clustered'):
            cluster = []
            cluster_max = get_vol(output_keywords[i].get('Global volume'))
            cluster_urls = output_keywords[i].get('URLs')
            output_keywords[i]['Clustered'] = True
            print(f'Added to cluster: {cluster[-1]}')
            for j in range(len(output_keywords)):
                if not output_keywords[j].get('Clustered'):
                    if len(set(cluster_urls) & set(output_keywords[j].get('URLs'))) >= 4:
                        output_keywords[j]['Clustered'] = True
                        print(f'Added to cluster: {cluster[-1]}')
            print('Uploading cluster...')
            clusters.append(upload_cluster(gsheets, cluster))
            print(f'Uploaded: {clusters[-1]}')
            cluster = []

我也试过通过client secret授权,好像没问题,可惜我在文件夹里看不到上传的文件。


经过更多测试后,我注意到脚本在 一个 特定文件上阻塞,因为该文件的名称中包含 '。使用正则表达式从文件名中删除 ' 后,它没有阻塞。很奇怪,但没关系。任何人都对为什么会发生这种情况有任何想法?我以为 Google 驱动器没有命名文件的禁用字符。