React Native 测试屏幕是否可见开玩笑 @testing-library/react-native @react-navigation/native

React Native Test if screen is visible jest @testing-library/react-native @react-navigation/native


  describe('Cancel Button', () => {
    it('should navigate back to the previous screen', async () => {
      let { getByA11yLabel, findByText } = render(<Navigation />);
      await findByText('No Activities'); // Verifies the user is on the No Activities screen.
      const addButton = getByA11yLabel('Add New Activity'); 
      await; // Takes the user to the New Activity screen.
      await findByText("New Activity"); // Verifies the user is on the New Activity Screen.
      const cancelButton = getByA11yLabel("Cancel"); // Finds cancel button.
      await; // Clicks cancel button.  Currently this button does nothing.  It's onPress event does nothing.
      await findByText("No Activities"); // Verify the user is on the No Activities screen.  I would expect this to fail as the cancel button does not return the user to the previous screen.

取消按钮目前没有任何作用。 我希望测试失败,因为用户没有返回到“无活动”屏幕。 它目前通过了,因为 findByText 仍然 returns No Activities 元素,即使它所在的屏幕不可见。


我发现您可以使用 useIsFocused() 挂钩,然后根据 isFocused 值设置 testID。有人知道这是否会产生不必要的开销吗?

import { useIsFocused, useNavigation } from '@react-navigation/native';
const isFocused = useIsFocused();
<View testID={isFocused ? 'ActivityDetailsScreen' : 'ActivityDetailsScreenHidden'}>