一个空的 Cloudformation Stack 会花钱吗?

Will an empty Cloudformation Stack cost money?

AWS 文档说您只需为使用的内容付费。

只是想知道“堆栈”本身是否要花钱。 如果我创建一个没有任何资源的空 Cloudformation 堆栈,是否会产生一些相关费用?


来自cloudformation docs(重点是我的):

There is no additional charge for using AWS CloudFormation with resource providers in the following namespaces: AWS::, Alexa::, and Custom::*. In these cases, you pay for AWS resources such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances, Elastic Load Balancing load balancers, etc. created using AWS CloudFormation the same as if you had created them manually

因此,即使堆栈不为空,在使用标准资源提供程序时,利用 cloudformation 也不会花费您任何额外费用。