分区问题 [slurm + Nextflow]

Problems with partitions [slurm + Nextflow]

我已经在基于 slurm 的集群中测试了 Nextflow 的 sarek 管道。我遇到了无法修复的错误...

Error executing process > 'get_software_versions'
Caused by:
  Failed to submit process to grid scheduler for execution
Command executed:
  sbatch .command.run
Command exit status:
Command output:
  sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed: No partition specified or system default partition

...这是我的 nextflow.config 文件:

executor {
    name = 'slurm'
    cpus = 10
    memory = '10 GB'
    queue = 'short'

我猜是与分区分配有关的东西。我也尝试将 queue = 'short' 更改为 clusterOptions = '-p short',以防万一,但它一直失败。


尝试在 nextflow.config:

中将 process.executor 值设置为 slurm
process {

  executor = 'slurm'
  queue = 'short'

executor scope 只是让您设置一些可选的执行器设置。请注意,如果此处应用 cpusmemory 设置,它们将仅与 local 执行程序一起使用。