使用 HDFql 将日期时间添加到 HDF5 块

Add datetime to HDF5 chunks with HDFql

我有这段代码可以将数组块写入 HDF5,我想为每个块或另一个带有日期时间的字段添加时间戳属性

using AS.HDFql;

// declare variables
float[,,] traindata = new float[1, 100, 500];
int number;
int i;

// create an HDF5 file named 'Test.h5' and use (i.e. open) it
HDFql.Execute("create and use file Test.h5");

// create a chunked dataset named 'data' (within a group named 'grp') of data type float with three dimensions (the first dimension is extendible)
HDFql.Execute("create chunked(1, 100, 500) dataset grp/data as float(0 to unlimited, 100, 500)");

// register variable 'traindata'
number = HDFql.VariableRegister(traindata);

// loop 100000 times
for(i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
   // populate variable 'traindata'
   // (...)

   // insert (i.e. write) data stored in 'traindata' into the last position of 'data' (using a hyperslab selection)
   HDFql.Execute("insert into grp/data(-1:::) values from memory " + number);

   // alter (i.e. extend) first dimension of 'data' plus one unit
   HDFql.Execute("alter dimension grp/data to +1");

将时间戳与写入 HDF5 文件的每个块相关联的一种方法是使用具有两个成员的复合数据集:第一个成员存储数据本身,而第二个成员存储时间戳(例如 UNIX 纪元时间)。更新您的代码,可能如下所示:

// use HDFql namespace
using AS.HDFql;

// declare structure
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack=1)]
public struct Data
    public float [,]vals;
    public int timestamp;

// declare variables
Data []traindata = new Data[1];
int number;
int i;

// create an HDF5 file named 'Test.h5' and use (i.e. open) it
HDFql.Execute("create and use file Test.h5");

// create a chunked dataset named 'data' (within a group named 'grp') as an extendible compound (with two members 'vals' and 'timestamp')
HDFql.Execute("create chunked(1) dataset grp/data as compound(vals as float(100, 500), timestamp as unsigned int)(0 to unlimited)");

// register variable 'traindata'
number = HDFql.VariableRegister(traindata);

// loop 100000 times
for(i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
    // populate variable 'traindata' (i.e. update members 'vals' and 'timestamp' with values)
    // (...)

    // insert (i.e. write) data stored in 'traindata' into the last position of dataset 'data' (using a hyperslab selection)
    HDFql.Execute("insert into grp/data(-1:::) values from memory " + number);

    // alter (i.e. extend) first dimension of dataset 'data' plus one unit
    HDFql.Execute("alter dimension grp/data to +1");