
Why assignment operator working even when it was forbidden?

我又在与 OOP 作斗争了。我尝试实现单向链表,代码如下:

template <typename T>
class node
    T value;
    node* next;

    node(const T& n)
        this->value = n;
        this->next = nullptr;
        //is it ok to leave destructor empty in my case?

template <typename T>
class list
    node<T>* head;
    node<T>* tail;

        this->head = nullptr;
        this->tail = nullptr;
    list(const list& arr)
        *this = list(); //<================== the line I mentioned
        node* current_this = this->head;
        node* current_arr = this->arr;
        while (current_arr != nullptr)
            current_this = new node(current_arr);
            current_arr = current_arr->next;
            current_this = current_this->next;
    list(list&& arr)
        this->head = arr.head;
        this->tail = arr.tail;
        arr = list(); //<================== the line I mentioned
        node* current = this->head;
        while (current != nullptr)
            node* next = current->next;
            delete current;
            current = next;

我不假思索地写了一些行,即arr = list()*this = list()。我没有实现 operator= 所以应该会有一些麻烦。我以为编译器已经决定为我生成 copy/move 分配,所以我决定添加这些行,只是出于好奇:

list& operator=(const list& arr) = delete;
list& operator=(list&& arr) = delete;

但它仍然编译,我不明白为什么。这是怎么回事?不应该禁止赋值,因此 arr = list()*this = list() 是非法的吗?

不评估模板 unless/until 您实例化它们。如果您不使用复制或移动构造函数,则它们的错误不会产生错误。