修改解压缩张量时出现 Pytorch 错误

Pytorch error when modifying unpacked tensor


import torch
a1, a2 = torch.tensor([1,2], dtype = torch.float64)
b = torch.rand(2, requires_grad = True)

a1 += b.sum()


RuntimeError: A view was created in no_grad mode and is being modified inplace with grad mode enabled. This view is the output of a function that returns multiple views. Such functions do not allow the output views to be modified inplace. You should replace the inplace operation by an out-of-place one.


a1 = torch.tensor([1], dtype = torch.float64)
a1 += b.sum()



  • 您在 no_grad mode 中创建了两个视图 a1 和 a2,在 grad mode enabled 中创建了视图 b。

  • 此类函数(解包)不允许就地修改输出视图(a1,a2)(就地操作+=)

  • 解决方法: 你应该用 out-of-place 替换 inplace 操作。您可以在此操作之前将 a1 克隆到 a,如下所示:

    a = a1.clone()
    a += b.sum()

这是因为 tensor.clone() 使用 requires_grad 字段创建了原始张量的副本。因此,你会发现现在 abrequires_grad。如果你打印

print(a.requires_grad)        #True
print(b.requires_grad)        #True
print(a1.requires_grad)       #False

您可以阅读有关就地操作的更多信息1 2