如何 select 布局中的特定占位符 - 幻灯片母版

How to select specific placeholder in Layout - Slide Master

我正在尝试编写一个宏来调整布局中占位符的大小,但我不知道如何将它们指示给 VBA。我尝试了几种方法,使用下面的代码我得到了 Method or data member not found。我还尝试添加两个变量(SM As Design 和 CL AS CustomLayout),然后使用“SlideMaster.CustomLayouts(4).Shapes.Placeholders("Content Placeholder 2").Name”指向 CL(如 ),但随后我在设置 MasterPlaceHolder 的行中收到 Object Required 错误。


Sub PlaceHolderResizer()
Dim LeftLimit As Single
Dim TopLimit As Single
Dim RightLimit As Single
Dim BottomLimit As Single
Dim DrawingAreaWidth As Single
Dim DrawingAreaHeight As Single
Dim MasterPlaceholder As Shape
Dim PlcHldr As Shape
Dim HorizontalDistance As Single
Dim VerticalDistance As Single

HorizontalDistance = 360
VerticalDistance = 144

Set MasterPlaceholder = SlideMaster.CustomLayouts.Shapes.Placeholders.Name("Content Placeholder 2")

     LeftLimit = MasterPlaceholder.Left
     TopLimit = MasterPlaceholder.Top
     RightLimit = MasterPlaceholder.Left - MasterPlcHldr.Width
     BottomLimit = MasterPlaceholder.Top - MasterPlcHldr.Height
     DrawingAreaWidth = MasterPlaceholder.Width
     DrawingAreaHeight = MasterPlaceholder.Height

    With ActivePresentation.Designs(1).SlideMaster.CustomLayouts(4)

        ActivePresentation.Designs(1).Shapes.Placeholders.FindByName("Content Placeholder 2").Select 'here I get the error
            With Selection
                .Left = LeftLimit
                .Width = (DrawingAreaWidth / 2) - HorizontalDistance
            End With
    End With

End Sub

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您是否打开了 VB 编辑器的 Intellisense(工具>选项>编辑器>自动语法检查)?这会突出显示您代码中的一些错误。

将以 With ActivePresentation 开头的部分替换为以下代码:

For Each oShape In ActivePresentation.Designs(1).SlideMaster.CustomLayouts(4).Shapes
    If oShape.Name = "Content Placeholder 2" Then
        oShape.Left = LeftLimit
        oShape.Width = (DrawingAreaWidth / 2) - HorizontalDistance
    End If
Next oShape

对于您的后续问题,请定义 MasterPlaceholder 应该引用的内容。幻灯片母版上的占位符?您要修改的占位符?从您现有的代码中不清楚。