
How to remove duplicates from a list of nested objects?

我知道有很多答案建议覆盖 equals 和 hashcode,但就我而言,这是不可能的,因为所使用的对象是从 DLL 导入的。

首先,我有一个名为 DeploymentData 的对象列表。

这些对象以及其他属性包含以下两个:Location(double x, double y, double z)Duct(int id)

目标是删除具有相同 Location 参数的那些。

首先,我按 Duct 对它们进行分组,因为 Location 如果在另一个管道上则不能相同。

var groupingByDuct = deploymentDataList.GroupBy(x => x.Duct.Id).ToList();


List<DeploymentData> uniqueDeploymentData = new List<DeploymentData>();
foreach (var group in groupingByDuct) {
      .Select(x => x)
      .GroupBy(d => new { d.Location.X, d.Location.Y, d.Location.Z })
      .Select(x => x.First()).ToList());


private bool CompareXYZ(XYZ point1, XYZ point2, double tolerance = 10)
   if (System.Math.Abs(point1.X - point2.X) < tolerance &&
       System.Math.Abs(point1.Y - point2.Y) < tolerance &&
       System.Math.Abs(point1.Z - point2.Z) < tolerance) {
      return true;
   return false;

但是 我不知道如何将它应用到上面编写的代码中。总结:

过滤重复项的一种简单方法是使用具有自定义相等比较器的哈希集。这是实现 IEqualityComparer 的 class,例如:

public class DeploymentDataEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<DeploymentData>
  private readonly double _tolerance;

  public DeploymentDataEqualityComparer(double tolerance)
    _tolerance = tolerance;

  public bool Equals(DeploymentData a, DeploymentData b)
    if (a.Duct.id != b.Duct.id)
      return false; // Different Duct, therefore not equal
    if (System.Math.Abs(a.Location.X - b.Location.X) < _tolerance &&
       System.Math.Abs(a.Location.Y - b.Location.Y) < _tolerance &&
       System.Math.Abs(a.Location.Z - b.Location.Z) < _tolerance) {
      return true;
     return false;

  public GetHashCode(DeploymentData dd)
    // If the classes of the library do not implement GetHashCode, you can create a custom implementation
    return dd.Duct.GetHashCode() | dd.Location.GetHashCode();

为了过滤重复项,您可以将它们添加到 HashSet 中:

var hashSet = new HashSet<DeploymentData>(new DeploymentDataEqualityComparer(10));
foreach (var deploymentData in deploymentDataList)
